Thursday, December 19, 2019

Prevalence Of Type II Diabetes Mellitus - 2138 Words

Prevalence of Type II Diabetes Mellitus in the Adult of JAZAN by Demographic characteristics, BMI and Settlement type. Dr.T.Hemalatha, Dr. Rashida, Ms.Wajiha, Dr.Fahad Abstract Nowadays Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is becoming a major health problem in all over the world. If a person having prolonged group of disease with high level of blood glucose then it is Diabetes Mellitus. It will cause severe other health issues like cardiovascular diseases, disease related to vision, Kidney, blood vessels and nerves. There are three types of diabetes. They are Diabetes Mellitus Type –I(T1DM) , Diabetes Mellitus Type –II(T2DM) and Gestational Diabetes. The people who is diagnosed by diabetes in Saudi Arabia mostly has Diabetes Mellitus Type –II (T2DM). Saudi Arabia ranks 7th position in all over the world to have the highest number of people with diabetes in the year 2000 and 2030. International Diabetes Federations says that there were 3.4 million cases of diabetes in Saudi Arabia in 2015. A Research says that the prevalence of Diabetes mellitus in Jazan Region 12.3%. Data mining is the process of selecting, exploring and modelling large amount of data to discover unknown patterns or relationship useful to Data analyst. An epidemiological, cross-sectional study is to be conducted across the rural and urban area of Jazan region of Saudi Arabia to find the prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus Type -II. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the prevalence of previouslyShow MoreRelatedEmergency Admissions For Diabetes, Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia1153 Words   |  5 Pagesfor Diabetes in Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Introduction Diabetes mellitus has been identified as a major health problem in Saudi Arabia associated with the adoption of modern lifestyle that promotes poor eating and sedentary exercise habits (Elhadd, Al-Amoudi, and Alzahrani 2007). 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Type 2 diabetes represents 90 percent of diabetes cases in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is ranked as the 7th country world widely esti mated to have the highest numbers of people with diabetes in 2000 and 2030

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Comparison Of Bureaucratic And Non Bureaucratic Organisations Commerce Essay Example For Students

Comparison Of Bureaucratic And Non Bureaucratic Organisations Commerce Essay The Style of bureaucratic organisation has wholly different construction as comparison to the non bureaucratic organisations. The bureaucratic manner is preferred due to its proficient manner of disposal but for the new and little and average size organisations no bureaucratic manner is most popular. Here are comparings between these two: Outline1 Suitability:2 Use of Human resources:3 Creativity and Invention:4 Operational control:5 Time Saving:6 Motivational degree:7 Structure:8 Communication and policies and processs:9 Preferable Organization:10 Advantages and Disadvantages:11 Advantages of Non-Bureaucratic Organization:12 Disadvantages of non-Bureaucratic Organization:13 Decision: Suitability: Bureaucratic manner is more suited for big organisation but for new little and average size organisation the non bureaucratic manner is more suited Use of Human resources: In the non bureaucratic the human resources are more efficaciously and expeditiously used by the organisation as comparison to the other manner. Creativity and Invention: As the non bureaucratic organisations is more flexible environment so the more opportunities o creativeness and invention is in non bureaucratic as comparison to bureaucratic organisations. ( Stamm V B: 2008 ) , Operational control: In the bureaucratic organisations the control bid for operations are distributed while in non bureaucratic there is a centralized bid of control for the operations of the organisation. Time Saving: In bureaucratic organisations there is really long concatenation of bid and when the order is given by the higher authorization from top to down level it takes more clip to pass on while in the non bureaucratic direct orders are given from the higher authorization to the subsidiaries in order to acquire the self-generated response. It takes less clip and more clip to work is devoted. Motivational degree: The degree of motive is really high in non bureaucratic manner because the direct orders are given from the top degree and more wagess and grasp is given by higher degree to the subsidiaries straight while in bureaucratic manner the top degree has seldom communicate straight to the subsidiaries. ( Sapru R.K: 2006 ) Structure: Non bureaucratic construction is more volatile as comparison to the bureaucratic construction. Communication and policies and processs: In bureaucratic there is hapless degree of communicating while in non bureaucratic the degree of communicating and go throughing information from top to toss off is much quicker and faster. However, In bureaucratic manner there are written paperss of policies and processs and if any job comes they can decide it by utilizing that policies and processs while it is absent in non bureaucratic organisation. As in bureaucratic organisations there are more policies and processs which are followed by the employees and they feel no freedom and less motivated environment as comparison to on bureaucratic organisations where people are more motivated and more efficient to do the organisation more successful. Preferable Organization: As discuss earlier that the non bureaucratic organisation manner is more suited for little and average sized organisation while for higher or large organisations the bureaucratic manner is more suited. While I have seen that in non bureaucratic manner the flexibleness of work, communicating from top to down and motivational degree of the employees are high so they chase easy trail the end of the organisation. However every organisation has its ain manner and construction and it is non easy to make up ones mind for a peculiar organisation that which construction is best for them. After critical analysis I will take non bureaucratic manner because the motivational factor involved in it is the chief point for my organisation and as motive brings invention and creativeness in the organisation. .u8e99861291249e47785e971eaad93bf6 , .u8e99861291249e47785e971eaad93bf6 .postImageUrl , .u8e99861291249e47785e971eaad93bf6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8e99861291249e47785e971eaad93bf6 , .u8e99861291249e47785e971eaad93bf6:hover , .u8e99861291249e47785e971eaad93bf6:visited , .u8e99861291249e47785e971eaad93bf6:active { border:0!important; } .u8e99861291249e47785e971eaad93bf6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8e99861291249e47785e971eaad93bf6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8e99861291249e47785e971eaad93bf6:active , .u8e99861291249e47785e971eaad93bf6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8e99861291249e47785e971eaad93bf6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8e99861291249e47785e971eaad93bf6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8e99861291249e47785e971eaad93bf6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8e99861291249e47785e971eaad93bf6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8e99861291249e47785e971eaad93bf6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8e99861291249e47785e971eaad93bf6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8e99861291249e47785e971eaad93bf6 .u8e99861291249e47785e971eaad93bf6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8e99861291249e47785e971eaad93bf6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: China Between The Fall Of The KMT And Mao Tse-Tung EssayAs in 1995 Herzberg says During work the different factors which motivate people and different from those which create dissatisfaction ** The factors which are normally involved in making the occupation related to occupation satisfier while the factors which define the occupation context normally relates the occupation dissatisfies . ** Advantages and Disadvantages: Every organisation has its ain manner and every manner has its ain advantages and disadvantages. So these are as follows: Advantages of Non-Bureaucratic Organization: Non bureaucratic organisation manner is more flexible and easy to follow the alterations in any organisation. As the authorization has direct communicating to the subsidiaries so the fast communicating makes the response quicker and efficient. There is no long concatenation of bid which saves the clip and efficient usage of human resources at its potency. Employees are more motivated by wagess and grasp by the higher governments straight which conveying the invention and creativeness in any organisation as the determination and working environmental are more flexible so more quicker to follow the planetary alterations which keeps the employees more antiphonal and responsible to trail the organisational aims. As there is no long hierarchy so any employee can be given work without any clip bound and place load. So the employees can take their ain enterprises and do determination in order to finish the undertaking without waiting the higher authorization permission. Disadvantages of non-Bureaucratic Organization: The chief disadvantage is that the construction is really informal there are non any difficult and fast regulations, policies and processs in the written signifier. There is deficiency of standardization so the jobs arise in the organisation on the same issues can non be solved so the work force are involved to set their input to work out the job. As the centralization of bid of control make the employees to depend merely on the top authorization or individual individual to carry through the operations or undertakings of the organisation. However every new little and average organisation will look frontward to be spread outing in the hereafter so this non-bureaucratic manner should be changed into the bureaucratic manner in order to manage the undertakings and operations of the organisation in more effectual and efficient manner. Due to the absence of proper processs and policies in the written signifier sometimes it s really difficult for the organisation to carry through the demands. Decision: Harmonizing to me the non bureaucratic manner has some border over the traditional bureaucratic manner as it is more flexible and easy to follow alterations in this modern manner of epoch. Although every organisation has aits ain construction harmonizing to its demands and size. Although the non bureaucratic has some disadvantages like deficiency of standardization and absence of written policies and processs but still it is suited for the little and average size organisations. However while taking the manner of an organisation it s all depend on the nature and size and the chief operations which is carried out by the organisation. At the terminal every non bureaucratic is turn into bureaucratic as it grows and gaining control more market portions. So in the start of any new concern the non bureaucratic manner is adopted while it expand than there should be written regulations, policies and processs which should be followed by the employees in order to work out the jobs and to achieve the major aims and ends of any organisation. This is a universe of alterations and hereafter is unsure so there should be some kind of invention and creativeness in the organisation and its work force should be satisfied with their work degree and duties. Thus the chief intent is to purse the organisation s aims and ends whether it is bureaucratic or non bureaucratic in manner because both have their ain advantages and disadvantages. .u05b065a9bb25033316afe98b89f61728 , .u05b065a9bb25033316afe98b89f61728 .postImageUrl , .u05b065a9bb25033316afe98b89f61728 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u05b065a9bb25033316afe98b89f61728 , .u05b065a9bb25033316afe98b89f61728:hover , .u05b065a9bb25033316afe98b89f61728:visited , .u05b065a9bb25033316afe98b89f61728:active { border:0!important; } .u05b065a9bb25033316afe98b89f61728 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u05b065a9bb25033316afe98b89f61728 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u05b065a9bb25033316afe98b89f61728:active , .u05b065a9bb25033316afe98b89f61728:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u05b065a9bb25033316afe98b89f61728 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u05b065a9bb25033316afe98b89f61728 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u05b065a9bb25033316afe98b89f61728 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u05b065a9bb25033316afe98b89f61728 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shad ow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u05b065a9bb25033316afe98b89f61728:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u05b065a9bb25033316afe98b89f61728 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left: 18px; top: 0; } .u05b065a9bb25033316afe98b89f61728 .u05b065a9bb25033316afe98b89f61728-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u05b065a9bb25033316afe98b89f61728:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: BUSINESS LOYALTY Essay

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Essay Examples on First Love by John Clare Essay Example

Essay Examples on First Love by John Clare Paper 1st Essay Sample on First Love by John Clare This expressible poetry by a man, who has deep feelings for the one his soul loves, has more meaning hidden between the lines if the reader will take the time to savor it. The first two lines are simple enough. It was the very first time he ever felt a love go as deep as his soul as soon as he saw her face. It was love at first sight for him. He felt as though he could not move, breathe, and then she looked at him and nothing else in his life mattered anymore but knowing who she was.Being around her, the blood made his face flush and hot, and his eyes could see nothing but her. The rest of the world suddenly melted away until there was only the two of them. The words would not come from his mouth that he wished to say, the very words that were in his heart, so he hoped that the way he looked upon her with his eyes would be enough to let her know how he was feeling. He writes that she seemed to hear his silent voice.She must have been able to look into his eyes and see the love that was there. She must have been able to feel the love coming from his heart, without him speaking a word with his mouth. How wonderful for two to meet and fall so much in love and not to have to speak words to know that their hearts song is singing the same song. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on First Love by John Clare specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on First Love by John Clare specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on First Love by John Clare specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The blood in his heart was boiling as if there were a ring of fire around it.As a heart is given to one so deeply so fully, it can never ever be the same again. First Love by John Clare First Love by John Clare First Love by John Clare The Song of Solomon in the Bible is the greatest love story ever told. It is graceful, and poetic, and best of all it was written by the God of the Universe. 2nd Essay Sample on First Love by John Clare This expressible poetry by a man, who has deep feelings for the one his soul loves, has more meaning hidden between the lines if the reader will take the time to savor it. The first two lines are simple enough. It was the very first time he ever felt a love go as deep as his soul as soon as he saw her face. It was love at first sight for him. He felt as though he could not move, breathe, and then she looked at him and nothing else in his life mattered anymore but knowing who she was. Being around her, the blood made his face flush and hot, and his eyes could see nothing but her. The rest of the world suddenly melted away until there was only the two of them. The words would not come from his mouth that he wished to say, the very words that were in his heart, so he hoped that the way he looked upon her with his eyes would be enough to let her know how he was feeling. He writes that she seemed to hear his silent voice. She must have been able to look into his eyes and see the love that was there. She must have been able to feel the love coming from his heart, without him speaking a word with his mouth. How wonderful for two to meet and fall so much in love and not to have to speak words to know that their hearts song is singing the same song. The blood in his heart was boiling as if there were a ring of fire around it. First Love by John Clare First Love by John Clare First Love by John Clare As a heart is given to one so deeply so fully, it can never ever be the same again. The Song of Solomon in the Bible is the greatest love story ever told. It is graceful, and poetic, and best of all it was written by the God of the Universe.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Is There a Particular Attachment Style Linked With Conduct Disordered Children

Introduction Unsecure attachment disorders are complications that affect holistic development of children in various settings. The complications are currently affecting many children including adults due to poor parental care.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Is There a Particular Attachment Style Linked With Conduct Disordered Children specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is evident since they have been causing severe mood and behavioral problems to various individuals. The problems threaten to jeopardize social and cultural integration among children especially those who grow under unsecure attachment conditions. Indeed, the style of attachment that is formed or adopted in a setting determines the kind of an individual a child is likely to be in future. The attachment style gives a clear prediction of the character traits that a child is bound to develop and how he or she may relate with other people. The style also enables one to predict the kind of personality features that a child is likely to portray in future. Similarly, the style of attachment defines a child’s social nature and interaction capacity. This is evident since the style determines whether a child is to be an introversive or extroversive person. For instance, children who are parented with introversive individuals always adopt character traits of the parent or whoever spends more time with them. Such children develop introversive behaviors that make them grow as conservatives who are reserved socially, economically and culturally. They tend to fear people, talk less and engage in various activities after undertaking exhaustive assessments (Wood, 2012). However, children who are nurtured with extroversive parents always grow as strong extroverts who hold immense social capacity.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Such c hildren are outgoing, active, creative and industrious. These elements explain the reasoning that style of attachment that children are exposed to have a direct bearing on their behavior and how they conduct themselves. The style of attachment shape their mood of operation or engagement, behavioral set up, moral and ethical responses. Indeed, for a child to grow as a responsible person who can transform the lives of many individuals in a society, he/she should be brought up under secure style of attachment. Justification of the study This paper provides credible information that seeks enlighten most individuals including parents and child care givers on the role that attachment style that a child is exposed to from his childhood has in shaping his behavior. The understanding of this aspect is important to enable them make right decisions on how they want their children to grow and pertinent character traits or behaviors that they would like them to adopt. This is why the paper gives an extensive discussion on the link between attachment styles and conduct of children. The information is bound to be instrumental in eradicating attachment disorders through systematic approaches. It will ensure that child developments disorders that have been in the increasing end due to lack of proper knowledge on how the disorders are instigated are eradicated. Therefore, this study is of great relevance to parents who are bound to be its major beneficiaries. Literature review based on strengths and relevance of the study As indicated, attachment disorders are emotional and behavioral complications that affect proper development of children. The problems compromise functional capacity of children socially, morally and physically (Wood, 2012).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Is There a Particular Attachment Style Linked With Conduct Disordered Children specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In particular, they mak e children to develop antisocial and narcissitic behaviors that are associated with extroverts. According to scholars, there are two renowned styles of attachment that shape behaviors of children. The two key styles that present positive and negative influences in human life as they develop from childhood include secure and unsecure attachment styles. The two types of attachment styles present various consequences in human life especially from childhood to adulthood. This is because they contribute in inculcating specific behaviors in individuals that become difficult to change. The behaviors that the two styles help in nurturing define individual’s lifestyle, perception and how one is likely to relate with others (Ribner, 2002). In particular, secure attachment is a child parenting style that is based on ideal principles and guidelines. The style provides basic incentives that ensure that a child is nurtured in the right way. Notably, it ensures that positive behaviors are i nculcated in a child. That is the person who is providing the parental care is bound to teach the child noble things that are socially accepted. He is also responsible to expose the child to only good things that can enable him grow as a responsible individual who conduct himself with dignity. As noted by Ribner (2002), securely attached children normally have limited complications in life. They are hardworking, very social, they excel in class and they make friendship very easily. Conversely, unsecure attachment forms the second style of attachment that affects holistic development of children. The style is known for its evident limitations that present far reaching effects in the development of a child.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Similarly, it is depicted as the worst style of parenting in most settings since it is linked to conduct disorders that compromises moral values and good behaviors that children are expected to uphold. Its disorders present severe emotional, behavior and moral complications that inculcate inferiority related complexities in children. This disorder is caused when parenting process is not executed properly (Zelazo, 2013). Firstly, it is caused when there is a total negligence when it comes to child protection and guidance. A child requires proper guidance in order to enable him develop good behavior by parents or care givers. They must not be allowed to watch bad videos, they should be taught decent ways of eating and relating with older people. Based on the facts presented, it is prudent to note that unsecure attachment style of parenting has a direct link with conduct disorders in children. This is apparent since it exposes children to complications that include antisocial, narsissi tic and schizotypal that affects their wellbeing. The disorders remain key aspects that define individual’s weaknesses and personal failure (Delfos, 2004). Areas of contention and weaknesses Imperatively, there has been a great contention on whether conduct disorders in children are complications that are caused due to inferior styles of child parenting or whether they are instigated by other factors (Shohov, 2003). The issues has brought sharp divisions among individuals in various nations with one school of thought asserting that it is what a child is exposed to daily and perform frequently, that shape his behavior. They note that children tend to borrow the behaviors and character traits of their parents or care givers who spend more time with them. However, critics of the notion indicate that conduct disorders in children cannot be said to be exclusively caused by the style of attachment that one is exposed to from childhood. They hold that behaviors are based on characte r traits of individuals that can be developed over time depending on the environment that one operates (Levine Munsch, 2011). Similarly, they assert that there are various factors that influence the behavior of children and that may result to conduct disorders. Most critics of the notion hold that conduct disorder is a universal problem that affects children regardless of the parenting style that they are exposed to. They believe that attachment disorders or good behaviors are genetically transferred character traits that cannot be transformed easily. Their explanation is that children in most instances are born with certain behaviors or character traits that are natural (Mikulincer Shaver, 2010). The behaviors may not be seen in their early childhood, but can be evident in later stages of life as he develops. They also hold that conduct disorders are shaped depending on the age of an individual. In most cases, individuals tend to change the way they execute various activities and behavior as they grow. Results and Findings Clearly, behavior development in children starts from early stages in life. The behaviors that they portray are dependent on how they are brought up, taught and how they are parented. Other behaviors that children develop are also dependent on genetic ideals or character traits that are genetically transferred (Flores, 2004). It is imperative to note that how a child is brought up is how he is bound to be in future. If a child is parented well and taught good moral values, that child will be an exemplary person who respect people. However, if a child is parented poorly the end results are severe attachment disorders that compromise their capacity socially, morally and intellectually. Children, who are parented well under secure attachment parenting style, are always social people who interact with everyone regardless of age without fear. They are industrious, confident, excel in school, make friends easily and are self-reliant. These virt ues are inculcated in them as they grow by those who parent them. Consequently, children who develop bad behaviors are deemed to have not received proper parenting at their infant stages. Such children suffer from attachment disorder complications that impede their productivity. They are antisocial, fearful, and reserved in various aspects. Indeed, attachment style that a child is exposed to defines his behavior currently and in future. This beats the logic that is being introduced by the critics of this notion that parenting style has nothing to do with behavior. Therefore, parents have to know that behavior is nurtured and it is emulated in most cases (Flores, 2004). For instance, when one associates with a criminal then the person is likely to develop criminal behaviors. When one associates with a Christian, he is bound to display noble behaviors and character of Christians. This happens since people tend to adopt behaviors that are presented to them by the environment. Conclusio n Indeed, for a child to grow as a responsible person who can transform the lives of many individuals in a society, he or she should be brought up under secure style of attachment. This is essential to ensure that he does not develop severe attachment disorders that affect individual’s social, moral, emotional and mental stability. Parents must therefore ensure that they inculcate noble life ideals in their children from childhood by exposing them to secure style of attachment in the society. They must teach their children good values when they are still infants since the lessons they get when they are young whether visual or audio, affects their future engagements with others. References Delfos, F. (2004). Children and Behavioural Problems: Anxiety, aggression, depression and ADHD, a Biopsychological Model with Guidelines for Diagnostics and Treatment. London [u.a.: Jessica Kingsley. Flores, J. (2004). Addiction as an Attachment Disorder. Lanham (Md.: J. Aronson. Levine, E. Munsch, J. (2011). Child Development: An Active Learning Approach. Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE. Mikulincer, M. Shaver, P. (2010). Attachment in Adulthood: Structure, Dynamics, and Change. New York: Guilford Publications. Ribner, G. (2002). California School of Professional Psychology Handbook of Juvenile Forensic Psychology. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Shohov, P. (2003). Advances in Psychology Research: Volume 21. New York: Nova Science Publishers. Wood, M. (2012). Reactive Attachment Disorder: A Disorder of Attachment or of Temperament. Web. Zelazo, D. (2013). The Oxford Handbook of Developmental Psychology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. This essay on Is There a Particular Attachment Style Linked With Conduct Disordered Children was written and submitted by user Brady W. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

12 Angry Men Movie Analysis Essay Example

12 Angry Men Movie Analysis Essay Example 12 Angry Men Movie Analysis Paper 12 Angry Men Movie Analysis Paper Essay Topic: 12 Angry Men Course: HRMG6200 Organization in New Economy Assignment: Twelve Angry Men Movie The movie Twelve Angry Men is about the twelve jurors that could adjust their influence in a decision-making process for conviction an eighteen years-old boy, whether the boy guilty or not guilty in murdering of his father. It represents a perfect example for applicable of a work group development framework. It also has examples of influence techniques among a group’s members. This paper is looking at those specific examples in the movie and focusing in analysis the reasons why Juror 8 is so much more effective than others in the meeting. According to Bruce Tuckman, healthy work groups need to go through four stages of development: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. Forming define as members get acquainted and organized to select a leader, a given example for the forming stage in this movie is the twelve men were up for the first vote, engaged in social oriented behavior to become acquainted with one another. The lead juror introduced to everyone â€Å"why are we here. † Storming are power struggles and sub-grouping, given example here is one juror voted â€Å"not guilty† while other eleven jurors voted â€Å"guilty†. It formed a perfect conflict that led group members device by two sub-group, vote guilty group and vote not guilty group, seat back for digging deep into the provided evidences to make sure if they are worthy of declaring the boy guilty of the charge. Norming define as group chooses rules to coordinate interaction and facilitate goals, given example here is when the twelve men rejected the prejudice of a tired voting, six â€Å"guilty† versus six â€Å"not guilty. † Another good example for Norming is when â€Å"We nine need to understand why you three still think he is guilty. † Performing define as the group structure enables working together smoothly toward one goal. It is when they all agreed on only one common right answer â€Å"the boy is not guilty†. The twelve jurors were going through the four main stages of developing a healthy work group in the meeting even it seems complicated and needed high-intensity efforts from certain members. According the five Methods for Influencing Other Group Members use of reason, assertiveness, coalition building, higher values, and bargaining when Juror Eight said: â€Å"we are talking about somebody life here, we can’t just decide within five minutes, suppose we are wrong†, he used the youth human-being life’s mportant and the danger of a false decision as good reasons to force other jurors in analyzing the facts carefully. He then talks about the boy’s backgrounds for appealing to logic and rational thinking of other jurors. Juror Three was overt prejudice, hostility, and used â€Å"assertiveness† to influence the other ten jurors of jury provided an antagonist for juror Eight. Juror eight used â€Å"coalition building† method to seek alignment with other group members. He never says that he believes the defendant is innocent but his mantra throughout the movie was â€Å"it’s possible! referring to the reasonable doubt, which he convinced others’ thought. Juror Eight continued to appeal other eleven juror’s higher values by repeatedly reinforcing their moral and judicial obligation to convict only if there was no reasonable doubt. He challenged each juror to look at the facts more thoughtfully. â€Å"Bargaining† is offering an instrument exchange. Juror 8 used this method when he said: â€Å"I want to call for another vote†¦ If there are 11 votes for guilty, I won’t stand alone†¦ But if anyone votes not guilty, we stay here and talk it out. Twelve Angry Men incorporates the five methods for influencing group members. According to a leader’s framework for decision-making process in a study research at Harvard Business School in 2007, the framework includes discovering context ’s characteristics, fact-based management, doing the leader’s job, discovering danger signals, and responding to those danger signals. The scenario of the decision-making process in this movie is a complicated context, where cause-and-effect relationships are discoverable but not immediately apparent to everyone. There were possibilities of false testimony. Juror 8 was so much more effective than other because he was aware of the responsibilities of a juror and how important his decision on the eighteen years-old boy’s life is. The decision could send the boy to the electric chair for finishing his life. At the beginning, he was not sure that the boy was guilty but he was sure that the evidences provided are not strong and sufficient enough to proof the boy guilty of charge. He discovered the danger of a possibility that the provided proofs are not influential and need verified before any decision, the danger of other jurors could overconfident in their own solution or in the efficacy of past solutions. He tried to draw other jurors into analysis the evidence technically and making sure if they are worthy of declaring the boy guilty of the charge. He knows the unknown factors, analyze facts, and set goal for his decision. He arranged a similar knife and brought brainstorming with the evidences. He used experiments to force other members to think outside the familiar. He focused to his objective and responsibility. He projected himself unbiased and he was not working in self-interest. He used logical reasoning, leadership skills, and effective communications for influence others’ decision successfully. In conclusion, beside of learning the applicable of a leader’s framework for decision-making process and methods for influencing other group members, the movie Twelve Angry Men also showed its audiences factors that help in forming a productive work group. A productive work group should have necessary factors such as: A diversity group members from difference backgrounds and religions; A perfect conflict like voting â€Å"guilty† versus voting â€Å"not guilty† to helps in drawing member’s attention into group’s duties; An environment where group members are open and honest as the painter helped in protecting the old man’s speech, where members can question the process and the content as the watchmaker asked the baseball fan to give the right reason why he changed his vote but not just changed it because he tired and wanted to change for speeding up the process of this decision-making, where members recognize the role that bias plays in decision-making and void biased decisions, where members agree and disagree in the right way without forces as members changed their votes when they see any sense of false testimonies, where members realize that it is possible for one person is right and all others are wrong as the old man helped juror 8 by changing his vote to keep the group meeting going, and that group members always can learn from each other. Refference: 1/ Robbins Judge, Essential of Organizational Behavior, 10th 2/ Reginald Rose Sidney Lumet, Twelve Angry Men movie, 1957 3/ Snowden Boone, a Leader’s Framework for Decision Making, Harvard Business Review, Nov 2007

Thursday, November 21, 2019

French Language and Culture from 1500 to1900 Assignment

French Language and Culture from 1500 to1900 - Assignment Example America was regarded as a land of wonder, romance, gold, and adventure. The new country unveiled the secrets of the barbarous continent, but the Frenchmen pierced the forests, mapped and traced out streams, built their forts, planted their emblems and claimed their own territories (Eacott 2015 pp. 69). The new country offered great opportunities for spiritual welfare. Priests and monks were brought alongside the soldiers to offer spiritual nourishment to the Indians and save their souls. When Henry the Second was on the throne, France desired to get a share of the rich new world of which the Spanish and Portuguese arrogance claimed the monopoly. The desire of France saw her not only send Frenchmen only but also Protestant Frenchmen. The importance of them being Protestants was for the sake of evangelism, as well as disguising their identity for acceptability. The Frenchmen and the Protestant Frenchmen were sent to plant the fleur-de-lis on the New World’s shores. In the name of King, two vessels were prepared for the big journey. The emigration’s body was the Huguenots, mixed with young nobles, poor, idle and restless, with piratical sailors from the Breton and Norman seaports and reckless artisans. They entered the harbor of Rio Janeiro, which was then named Guanabara and built huts for their accommodation (Miller 592). The anticipation for future triumphs was evident in them. According to Dubois (2004 pp. 36), a black and deadly potent cloud was thickening over France in the year 1562. A problem was brewing and was inclined towards religious wars. It was impossible for anyone to pierce the future, not to mention contemplating it. The wide range of hate and fanaticism, brother fighting brother, friend fighting friend, son with father made the future dark. Spain, on the other hand, watched and waited to crush and trample any hope of humanity.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business Policy Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Business Policy Concepts - Essay Example A good corporate strategy should integrate an organization's goals, policies, and action sequences (tactics) into a cohesive whole. The success of Japanese companies revealed implementation policies which appeared to be unique but have now been shown to be valid in many business environments, for example management by walking around (MBWA) proved to be a successful technique for Honda. Senior management's contacts with key people resulted in appropriate choice of policies and to the success of the company philosophy. This shows that corporate choice of strategy and implementation of that strategy involves many different concepts, theories and frameworks. An understanding of major choices of corporate policies and their advantages and disadvantages is critical to the understanding of business policy process {Johnson et al, 2005]. In a perfect world a strategy planned by the management will proceed according to plan and be implemented. Unfortunately any belief that strategy can be formulated on the basis of intended and deliberate actions to result in commercial success is far from the truth. This concept rules out any opportunity to adapt to a changing market situation. In a number of cases a situation may develop where incremental changes in the strategy may result in a more advantageous position for the company. This is a positive example of strategic drift. A preplanned and formulated strategy also assumes an organization to be homogeneous where management decisions from the top can be implemented in full. In practice the decisions are effected by power behavior, cultural and political factors. Quinn [cited in Peppard et al, 1996] argued that strategy develops incrementally as a result of decision made due to developing market situations and other organizational experiences. This strategic drift results in a course which is often significantly different from formal planning. Drift in strategic planning is a fact of organizational strategy. It does not mean that strategic policy making is a useless process as it will eventually drift into something new. It only recognizes that changes often become necessary due to extraneous factors and require adjustments to the strategy to keep the broader strategy on course. Porter's 5 Forces Porter's five forces is a useful tool for analyzing the factors impacting on strategy formulation. [Porter, 1980] identified forces that impact every business. The objective of the strategy is to use these competing forces to result in a positive impact on the business. These forces identified by Porter are the driving forces of the industry. The strategy analysis thus analyses the impact of these forces on a particular business and how to minimize the impact of the negative forces and maximize the benefits of the positive forces. The five forces are: 1. The threat of new entrants 2. Bargaining power of suppliers 3. Bargaining power

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Discussion board Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Discussion board - Assignment Example Serving the poor is an ethical issue and should be done by everyone as response to humanity. A major and most tragic manifestation of poverty is hunger as described by Mohammad Yunus in his book Banker to the Poor. In 1974, famine struck Bangladesh and Yunus wrote about his experiences of witnessing agricultural lands left uncultivated due to lack of irrigation technological awareness among the villagers. He described the scenario in Bangladesh as hungry people multiplied every day, â€Å"Hungry people were everywhere. Often they sat so still that one could not be sure whether they were alive or dead† (Yunus, vii). Yunus nurtured the dream of eradicating poverty from the world. He has taken a bold initiative to help the poor people in Bangladesh. At first he physically stepped onto the fields to show the farmers how to cultivate rice to optimize yields. Although his hands-on approach received skepticism, his next step was the launching of Chittagong University Rural Development Project which provided the poor people academic credit. In order to do more for the poor, he next focused on providing small loans to the very poor to buy raw materials. Initially he became personal guarantor to Janata Bank which is one of the largest government banks in Bangladesh. From this concept, Grameen Bank evolved that provides un-collateral loans to the poor. He encourages repayment of the loans on weekly and even daily basis to prevent accumulation of large debts. Yunus’s efforts have proved to be fruitful and he dreams of a poverty free world by 2050, â€Å"poverty does not belong in a civilized human society. Its proper place is in a museum† (Yunus, 248). There are ways in which people can move towards fulfilling the mission of making this world free of poverty, and the process lies in desire among all people to do something for the poor. Rich countries often provide financial resources to the poor countries, but this is not

Friday, November 15, 2019

Impact of International Business in India

Impact of International Business in India India has emerged as a potential and a diversified market for the Western firms and other foreign investors. Earlier establishing a business in India was a challenging assignment, but economic reforms, brought in by different Indian governments over a period of time, have smoothen the course of entry for Western multinationals and other business magnets. Still it is considered difficult and a different proposal to do business in or with India, mainly because of its different business and socio- economic culture. Western multinationals/ investors dealing with India so far had to adopt major changes in their business style in order to serve effectively to their customers. This write up examines in detail the prevalent business, socio- economic, and cultural environments that western multinationals have to face in India, as well the implications of their adopted major changes in business practices to succeed in India. Business, socio- economic and cultural environments of India Family Business and non corporate culture Despite revolutionary changes since independence of India, the basic business style has remained the same as of family controlled businesses. Leading business families, from Birlas and Tatas to Reliance, keep total control on business of companies promoted by them. Major management posts in these business houses are always held by responsible family members. Though joint family system is slowly disappearing, but still there is a common tendency in Indian families to own a business. Another prominent feature of the Indian economy is that non- corporate sector has the largest share of the total business of the country. They are the largest employment providers. Growth in non- corporate sector is much faster than even in the corporate sector. Non- corporate sector is engaged in wide spread manufacturing and service industries, and these are again mostly family business. Non corporate sector work according to available conditions and develop their business models suiting prevalent conditions and systems. This way India is a high powered distant society. Western businesses will have to accept family authority while negotiating business deals with non- corporate as well as family controlled corporate sector. Multi Linguistic and cultural market with political challenges The business language in urban India is local language mixed with English. It is also mixed with Hindi and state dialects making it difficult for a casual business operator to negotiate. There are wide ranges of languages spoken in diverse India. Accordingly, perfection in one language by a Western business negotiator does not mean that he or she can represent his/ her business deals effectively in all parts of India. Though middle class rules the roast in India, but this class mostly believes in eastern culture, making it imperative for Western multinationals to adopt eastern tastes in their goods and services being marketed in India. At the same time it is difficult for foreign companies to standardize their products on national basis because of diversity in regional culture; but it may be possible in India on regional basis. Also foreign MNCs need to find out the consumers tastes in India before launching their products or services in Indian markets. One thing is necessary to understand that economic growth in India has brought up its middle class to the fore front; and at the same time rural poor are largely isolated from the achievements of growth.With a robust and working democratic system, India is a federal republic where bulk of executive power rests with prime minister and his or her cabinets. As a nation state, India presents a vast mosaic of hundreds of different ethnic groups, religious sects, and social castes. About one third of population lives in urban areas; an overwhelming majority of the remainder is engaged in the agricultural sector.(Michael F. Martin and K.Alan Kronstadt, August 31, 2007)Â  [i]Â  An Indian is so politically informed or connected that it would not be wrong to say that every Indian treats himself/ herself as a politician in one sense or the other. With the result every political event in India has great impact on consumer markets. Politically there is a relaxed atmosphere at present for foreign direct investments (FDIs). But businesses often get disturbed with unwanted political rallies and events. Very frequently opposite national political parties call for nation- wide strikes (called bandh in Indian dialect) on any hot issue. The entire economic process gets disturbed and with the result corporations and other businesses suffer huge losses. For example on July 5, India went on strike. The country closed down at several places after opposition parties protested an increase in the price of petrol or gasoline. (In India, the government controls petrol prices). The Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry estimated that nationwide strike caused a production loss of US $ 2.8 billion (Human Resources, July 29, 2010)Â  [ii]Â  . Indian economy is also badly bitten by the inflationary bug. Even necessities of life have become costlier for public at large. Average citizens find it difficult to save something for luxuries. Still luxuries like cars, foreign tours etc are being sold at rates that envy other economies of the world. But this is a fact of urban India only, where black marketing and corruption is rampant. Corrupt politician and business people make ugly display of their wealth. There is no doubt that Indian economy is growing, but this growth is lopsided. The required growth in infrastructural sector is lagging behind. This has created a real bottleneck for long term growth and economic expansion. This information is necessary for Western MNCs to decide about their target sector as well the type of market available in India for their products and services. India is a free economy and taking advantage of this, many Western MNCs are also raising part of their capital investment from India itself. BPO business brought in by multinationals in India succeeded because the MNCs exploited the conditions to best of their advantage. The shortage of infrastructure for BPO business was a matter of concern for MNCs. But MNCs found that building infrastructure in India is much cheaper than developing the same in western countries. India is a developing country with huge populations. Naturally the availability of educated labor force at lower prices was a distinct advantage that MNCs exploited to enhance their overall profitability. Indian young population has proved to be more hospitable and courteous than their counterparts in Western countries. Educated young people have a lot of command in English language making it very easy and economical to get the customer convinced about the product being marketed by BPOs. The result is that BPO business in India has become not only a profitable for MNCs, but a bread earner for thousands and lakhs of its staff without pressing government resource s. Changes adopted by international firms to serve customers in India Adoption with local conditions or changing of business rules provide international business to grow firmly. Western multinationals have taken many rational and objective decisions keeping in view marketing and other conditions prevalent in India. Changes in business style are necessary as the risks in the international business are not the same as in domestic markets. Some of changes adopted by Western MNCs to serve their Indian customers are discussed hereunder. Organized Retailing and direct marketing Barring exceptions like Bata stores and few others, retailing in India so far has been fragmented and not organized. Organized retail stores and trendy chain stores to catch the young customer is be one of the major changes brought in India by Western MNCs to serve and attract their customers. Though the trend is same as in western countries, but organization style has changed. Family owned businesses are being attracted to own retail stores and develop a chain of stores as franchisee or under other arrangements with MNCs. A few successful examples are McDonalds, Levis Strauss and others. Organized retailing is growing in India. With the results manufacturers are loosing their positions. Even local brands like Pantloons and Shoppers Stop are offering competitions to manufacturers owned stores. An organized franchisee style of retailing has ushered. It is also seen that family owned businesses seek franchisees of western MNCs. Many multinationals are entering Indian market though partnerships with local giants in the organized retail sector. Direct marketing is another change brought in by the MNCs. Earlier joint venture technique of marketing has changed to direct marketing. Products are not being sold on agency basis. Goods are not manufactured but traded by MNCs in chain stores either owned by them or their franchisees. Earlier the trend was to find low cost manufacturing location in India for producing goods in India, and then marketing the goods by entering into joint venture agreements with local giants. No doubt MNCs are still benefitting from low cost production, but the trend has changed to offer the products and services directly to customers. Creating products to serve Indian markets One of the major changes that western MNCs have made is the introduction of products and services that suits Indian style of consumption. This means not only developing affordable products and services that deliver value to the customer, but also finding right kind of distribution channels and designing credit systems to permit the access of the poor to financial services. (Michael John Baker and Susan Hurt, 2007)Â  [iii]Â  In fact MNCs are taking full advantage of availably of large number of engineers, technicians, and other experts to introduce products as per Indian tastes of consumptions. Take the case of US Pizza Hut selling pizzas through its outlets in India. What they have brought to India is not an American style pizza but a way of serving food in a nice, clean, bright place at a price an ordinary family can afford. But the food they serve is what Indians like. In many cities in India, Dominos offers a 100 percent vegetarian pizza, cooked in a separate kitchen where no me at items are allowed. (Subash C. Jain, 2003)Â  [iv]Â   In fact marketing style the product has also changed by Western MNCs. For example creating small packs with simple designs and less volume at affordable prices will not only boost sale but also create brand awareness among a particular section of consumers. Introduction of financing schemes with marketing of products create an urge to buy among those who cannot afford the goods temporarily. This is certainly not unethical if the interest rates are reasonable. This is because reasonability is the basic rule of marketing. Another marketing idea floated by MNCs is to provide products and services on rental or lease basis instead of making a direct sale. This may take shape of hire- purchase sale or simple renting if the consumer does not want to purchase the product. Conclusion Indian market has peculiar characteristics. Owning family business is still the rage in Indian society that is multi linguistic with Hindi or English as link language. Inflation is very high and the conditions in India always remain political charged. Abundant educated labor force is available at reasonably cheaper wages. Corrupted people flaunt the use of money in an ugly way. Under such circumstances different democratically elected Indian governments created liberalized conditions for MNCs and other foreign investors to enter the Indian market. Businesses like BPO units succeeded immensely in India. Foreign investments also established varied businesses for their customers in India. For satisfying customers in India, these MNCs made concessions and changes in their traditional style of operations. Direct marketing and organized retailing are the major changes bought in by MNCs to satisfy their Indian clientele. Products also changed to suite Indian tastes of consumptions. Leasing and hire- purchase selling have become style of MNCs to satisfy their customers in India.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How does Byron present the lovers Essay

Byron feels very strongly about love, believing it to be a very good thing, especially when found in the young. Thus he presents the two lovers as sweet and beautiful. A third adjective, innocent could be added to the list and in Juan’s case certainly should be-however, throughout the passage we find hints that it does not apply to Julia. In stanza 106 Byron says that â€Å"her creed in her own innocence† was â€Å"immense. † So she believes forcefully that what she is doing is innocent and not wrong, and yet she knows it is: ‘†¦. she inly swore†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. she never would disgrace this ring she wore. ‘ However, Byron does not damn her for thinking of ‘Don Alfonso’s fifty years,’ instead he justifies this behaviour in the hole of stanza 108. This is most probably because of Byron’s own feelings on the matter of love – he would not have backed away from extra-marital or adulterous love, believing infidelity to be a social normality. He believed that no shackles should be placed on love; it should be natural, and indeed this is how, to some extent, he does portray the love which blossoms here, though not as much as Juan’s later relationship with Haidei , ‘unconsciously she leaned upon [Juan]†¦ ‘ So, Byron shows us that Julia is aware of the wrongness of her impending deed, but he does not condemn her. Indeed it could be argued that Byron presents her infidelity as sweet and innocent in itself. The evidence for this can be found in the rhyming couplet at the end of stanza 105. ‘One hand on Juan’s was carelessly thrown, Quite by mistake – she thought it was her own. ‘ Clearly Julia knows the hand is Juan’s, but the lines are very tongue-in-cheek, and seem to be actually poking fun, very gently, at Julia’s pathetic attempts to make it seem as if she isn’t doing what she is. Byron is amused at her mock innocence and this in turn leads us to see her actions as less brazen and more innocent than they might seem. The fact remains though, that Julia is not innocent of adultery and this is conclusively shown in the lines, ‘Yet still she must have thought there was no harm, / Or else ’twere easy to withdraw her waist. ‘ So she is portrayed, seemingly paradoxically as a sweet and innocent, but knowing, adulterer. Don Juan, on the other hand, being only a young boy of sixteen is portrayed as completely nai ve and innocent. ‘His young lip thanked it with a grateful kiss And then abashed at its own joy, withdrew In deep despair, lest he had done amiss. ‘ The reader knows that he is completely nai ve, having previously read of his ‘breeding, which was strictly moral. ‘ So it comes as no surprise then that in this, his first romantic encounter, he should be ignorant of what to do and that Byron should portray him as he does. In conclusion then, the lovers are portrayed in some ways similarly but very differently in other respects. Byron reflects his attitude to love in portraying Juan and Julia as helpless in the face of their over-riding emotions – he describes love as ‘strengthening the weak and trampling the strong. ‘ This conclusion will suffice in the case of Juan but Julia is helpless in a different way. She is more worldly wise than Juan, having been married, and thus, almost certainly, sexual intercourse. She is portrayed as one caught in the middle of two pulling forces – her own ‘honour, virtue, truth and love for Don Alfonso,’ and her love for Juan. She knows that to display this love physically would be wrong, but she does it anyway – ‘And whispering, ‘I will ne’er consent’ – consented. ‘ Byron, however, does not condemn her for her actions, because of his belief in the power of love, and he portrays her still as a virtuous and sweet young woman, despite her ‘immoral conduct’. ‘A little still she strove and much repented,’ at the end of the passage shows she is still a woman of integrity, rather than one of loose morals. This is how Byron portrays the individual lovers. Together, they are depicted as a beautiful couple – ‘how beautiful she looked,’ – full of the initial exuberance of first love. Byron emphasizes the purity and goodness of their love over its illegitimacy in the eyes of the world and society, justifying it as much by describing its beauty as by showing why Julia’s marriage with Alfonso is not pure and good in stanza 108. In this respect Byron’s portrayal of the lovers in this passage is a continuation of the general theme of the hypocrisy of society in ‘Don Juan’. Ironically, Byron shows us, Julia’s legitimate marriage is un-natural and not really that good, whereas her illegal relationship with Juan is described with beautiful poetry, and is clearly more natural and proper than that of the former.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Individual Privacy vs. National Security

National Security has taken a new shape after the events of September 11, 2001, that is why I have selected the topic of Individual Privacy vs. National Security. I have selected this topic because of the amount of attention that has brought to this topic over the last ten years. There are many issues that the American people have with the government pushing what people believe cross privacy bounds thus causing court cases forcing policy changes. The ruling in the courts will affect how our government is able to gather information on possible terrorist threats while trying to keep the people’s rights protected. I plan on limiting the research by looking at key events that really have sparked the American people to uproar at the U. S. government. In looking at they more key events it will help to cut down the amount of hits that I will get in a search engine. The idea is that if certain issues really fire up the people then how will future bills or laws passed by the government be affected by pass rulings in the courts. In my paper I plan on looking into the Patroit Act and how this really affects what the government is allowed to do when they think someone is involved in terrorist acts. Also the other hot topic is that right now the government really does not need a warrant to track your cell phone using the different GPS signals. These are two of the biggest issues that could really help to shape current policy that the government uses to track people of interest. I am taking the side that there are times that the people of America need to give up some of their rights so that the government can protect them. It is a give and take relationship so there are times that both sides must find a common ground. Yet, there are times that the governments needs to have the ability to protect our national security at all cost.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Where to Find Free Accounting Courses Online

Where to Find Free Accounting Courses Online Free accounting courses provide an excellent opportunity to learn more about accounting  and related topics, like finance, auditing, and taxation, without any out-of-pocket expense. These courses typically go beyond the types of tutorials you might find on YouTube or a general accounting website; they delve into the advanced topics you might find at an undergraduate-level, or even a graduate-level, course at a college, university, or business school. For example, rather than just a short tutorial on how to prepare a balance sheet, a free accounting course will explain how to accurately prepare all of the required financial statements for a business. Earning a Credit for Free Accounting Courses There are some free accounting courses that grant a certificate of completion when you finish the course, but most free courses will not result in an  accounting degree  or college credit of any kind just because you complete the course. Why You Take Free Accounting Courses Online So, you may be asking yourself, why bother taking a course if you cant get earn credit toward  a degree? There are actually a few reasons why you might want to consider taking one or more free accounting courses online: Knowledge: The main reason why people take any type, of course, is to gain new knowledge. You can  acquire education  and skills in a free course, just like you could in a course that you paid money for.  Preparation: Free accounting courses can help you prepare for exams, such as the CLEP Financial Accounting examination. If you pass these exams, you could earn college credit toward a degree.  Practice: A free accounting course is a good way to practice for postsecondary-level studies. If you plan on attending a formal undergraduate or graduate degree program, taking a few free courses online will help you understand the types of lectures, reading and case studies you might encounter in future courses. Schools With Free Accounting Courses Online There are quite a few different colleges and universities that offer free courses or  OpenCourseWare (OCW). OCW varies by school but typically consists of class material like suggested reading, online textbooks, lectures, course notes, case studies and other study aids.   Here are a few respected colleges and universities that offer free accounting courses online: Kutztown University of Pennsylvania:  The Small Business Development Center at the Kutztown University of Pennsylvania offers more than 70 free business courses, including courses related to accounting, finance, and small business tax.  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT):  MITs Sloan School of Management has an extensive OpenCourseWare program that provides course materials like video lectures, lecture notes, exams (with solutions), etc. for undergraduate and graduate-level students. Courses cover a wide range of topics, including finance theory, financial accounting, and managerial accounting.  Open University: The UKs Open University provides free educational resources through their OpenLearn website. Courses are categorized by topic and education level (introductory, intermediate, and advanced). Free accounting courses, videos, and reference materials can be found in the Money and Management category.  UC Berkeley: The University of California Berkeley offers fr ee video and audio lectures on topics like accounting, economics, mathematics, and statistics, among others. These lectures were posted in the spring of 2015 or before. For more recent UC Berkeley courses, you could visit edX, which offers free online courses from top universities around the world.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to write an essay

How to write an essay Introduction How to write an essay is a difficult question. Much has been written and said about the main components of an essay, its purpose and functions, and the principal criteria of quality writing. However, it seems that standardization and essay writing are incompatible. Writing is entirely about inspiration, and any conventions or rules severely limit writers in their self-expression opportunities. An essay must have an introduction, body, and conclusion.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on How to write an essay specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More An essay must introduce the topic and lead the reader through the rising act to culmination, and again through the falling act to a conclusion. An essay is expected to be logical, but is there any logic in writing? Based on the thoughts and ideas of Alma Luz Villanueva, an essay is a complex product of the writer’s thought which has a central theme and numerous char acters and ideas, fighting and competing to produce a fluent, coherent, and logical piece of writing, which exemplifies an act of transforming energy into matter. Students and young writers are used to believe that an essay must always rely on a simple and comprehensible structure, which necessarily includes an introduction, a body of the paper, and a conclusion. Students are taught to write their essays in a logical and fluid manner. Outlines help to present complex ideas in an easy-to-understand format. The main components of an essay usually include a brief introduction to the topic, a rising act and culmination, as well as a falling act and a conclusion. This is particularly the case of fiction and creative writing. Here students are compelled to follow a predetermined sequence of writing actions, which helps them to earn them good grades but does not always make their papers interesting and fascinating. The fact is that writing and rules are not always compatible. An essay must have an introduction, body, and conclusion, but writing is not merely about structuring. Writing is about inspiration. It is an act of transforming energy into matter (Villanueva 85).It is like giving birth to a child or dreaming awake (Villanueva 85). It is a complex product of the writer’s thought, which does have a central theme and characters fighting and competing with one another and creating a full, multidimensional picture of the world. The main components of an essay, including introduction, body, and conclusion serve the purpose of logical writing. They create a structured and fluent vision of the surrounding reality. Simultaneously, they may disserve quality writing, as they make the process of writing fully conventional and absolutely uninteresting. The act of writing is often unexpected. It is unexpectedness that makes writing so fascinating. That was how Alma Luz Villanueva wrote her first novel: she allowed her characters to reveal themselves in their own voic e (84). They do so without betraying the central theme, or the vision, of the writer (Villanueva 84). Characters play with the writer’s vision of the world. The central theme remains unchanged; but characters have relative freedom of participation and performance. The central theme guarantees fluidity of the essay.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The central theme also imposes some limitations on how characters reveal their egos. Therefore, the central theme is the main component of any essay that also serves the purpose of quality, interesting and fascinating writing. The need to remain within the boundaries of the central theme also justifies the need for creating an outline. An outline is a brief and comprehensive set of ideas discussed in an essay. Villanueva recognizes that an essay is always a logical sequence of ideas and acts (84). The magic of the writing pro cess is a unique combination of wonder and terror (Villanueva 84). An outline makes possible even the most difficult sequences (Villanueva 84). An outline makes possible to continue the writing process with fluidity (Villanueva 84). An outline helps writers to pursue logic and coherence in writing. Unfortunately, the idea that writing is entirely about outlines and boundaries is misleading. No one can fully explain what writing an essay means. Each and every writer has his (her) own model of writing essays. Villanueva claims and teaches her students that writing is an act of transforming energy into matter (85). It is a leap of faith – a question that warrants an answer (Villanueva 84). It is a magic of terror and wonder (Villanueva 84). Writing an essay is almost the same as giving birth to a child (Villanueva 85). However, a woman cannot give birth to a child, unless she has a basic understanding of what it is. A woman always imagines its birth (Villanueva 85). Likewise, a writer always imagines his (her) essay. The central theme is probably the most relevant element of an essay that creates a foundation for developing its structure, with an introduction, and rising and falling acts, a culmination and logical conclusion. The central theme drives the thought and creates the boundaries of knowledge. It reinforces the sense of fluidity and coherence within a piece of writing. It is through the central theme that writers transform their energy into matter – a readable and comprehensible essay that leads readers through fascinating ideas and characters to a logical but always unexpected end. Conclusion An essay is a complex product of the writer’s thought which has a central theme and numerous characters and ideas, fighting and competing to produce a fluent, coherent, and logical piece of writing that exemplifies an act of transforming energy into matter. An essay is always a logical sequence of ideas and acts.Advertising We will writ e a custom essay sample on How to write an essay specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The central theme drives the thought and creates the boundaries of knowledge. It is through the central theme that writers transform their energy into matter – a readable and comprehensible essay that leads readers through fascinating ideas and characters to a logical but always unexpected end. Villanueva, Alma Luz. â€Å"Leaps of Faith.†

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Economics of sex and drugs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Economics of sex and drugs - Essay Example eople who will be visiting the city of Denver will lead to an imbalance in the market for prostitution and this is bound to create some pressures on the prices for the services. The various dimensions of the effects as well as the movements expected are discussed below in order to have a clear picture on the expected outcomes (Moffatt, Peter and Simon, 681). As has been mentioned above, the first basic effect of the National Western Stock show is the fact that there will be some imbalances in the supply and demand of prostitution services. This is due to the fact that a lot of people are expected to come to the city to show case their products and services while others will be visiting the city in order to experience the show. The first dimension of this influx is that there will be an increase in the demand for prostitution services and this is expected to push the prices upward as the market forces adjust themselves accordingly. It is expected that the prostitutes operating in the city will increase the prices of their services in order to benefit from increased demand for their services (Moffatt, Peter and Simon, 683). Additionally, the influx of people will bring in people with more disposable income and; therefore, they will be willing to spend their money on various forms of leisure and entertainment such as seeking the services of prostitutes. This will lead to an increase in the prices of the services since they will be willing to pay more than normal in order to access the scarce services. It is; however, important to note that this may not go on for long as the market will adjust itself almost immediately as it is expected that other prostitutes from other cities and localities will also invade the city in order to benefit from offering services to the people at the show. This means that the supply of prostitution services may actually increase and this may put a downward pressure on the prices (Dill 96). The expected increase in the demand for

Friday, November 1, 2019

Key Features Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Key Features - Assignment Example The literature Review conducted by the authors is exhaustive and in-depth. The sources that were used by the authors are reliable. However, the authors should not have used sources that are older than ten years. The reason is that approaches to conducting research have changed over the years. In addition, old sources might have outdated information. As a result, basing the conclusion on such sources might make the journal to be deemed as unreliable. Nevertheless, the fact that the authors used varying sources from different fields reduces the level of biases. In addition, the sources are from credible organizations and institutions of higher learning. All sources that were used in this study emanates from the relevant fields. As a result, the information in them can be used to make an in-depth conclusion. The authors are trying to find out different work health and safety issues that affect the young people and the most effective solutions. They were trying to determine whether these issues have an effect on young people’s performance in their workplaces. Nevertheless, other articles clearly state the research questions rather than include it in the objective. This is important in ensuring that the article is clear. Ethical Consideration The authors ought to have sought ethical approval from the organizations. The young respondents that were used in this study were working in the organizations. As a result, a credible study should seek permission to interview or use some of the employees in the study.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Financial Reporting and Analysis Literature review

Financial Reporting and Analysis - Literature review Example The company should try to increase this net profit in the future as it has fallen below the industry’s operating profit margin of 19%. Return on capital employed is way below the industry average for the company. It is 9.8% in 2009 which is very low. Although it has increased slowly to 10.83% in 2010, it is still way below the industry average of 20%. The company must try to increase this return drastically in the future by decreasing their liabilities. The company’s Return on equity measures the efficiency at generating profits from every unit of shareholder’s equity (BRIGHAM, Eugene F. and Ehrhardt, Michael C., 2010). The company’s Return on equity shows how well a company uses investment funds to generate earnings growth (CORREIA, Carlos et al., 2007). And the company’s Return on equity has increased from 2009-2010 from 5.27%-6.12% which is a very good sign but it is still on the low side. The Company’s return on the asset is neither too high nor too low. It is 8.86% in 2009 and has just increased slightly to 9.89% in 2010. Although, an increase is a good sign but the company must try and further increase this ratio in the ratio by decreasing their asset usage and to increase their net profit even further. Liquidity ratios illustrate the company’s ability to pay off obligations in the short term (CHANDRA, Prasanna, 2008). Current asset ratio and acid-test ratio are observed closely when liquidity is in question. The company is in a fairly good position in both of these parameters. The current ratio of the company has increased drastically from 1.46 in 2009 to 2.73 in 2010. In 2010 it is above the industry average of 2.5 which is a good sign for the company. It shows that a fair amount of assets are available to finance the liabilities of the company and that a company can pay off its short term liabilities quite easily. The Quick

Monday, October 28, 2019

Martin Luther King Essay Example for Free

Martin Luther King Essay America was experiencing a situation of chaos in the 1950s when the African Americans and the people of color began to rise for the fight of equality and freedom, and racial differences were realized. Initially, blacks and colored were widely discriminated. There were separate restaurants for white and the colored; separate educational institutes and likewise, separate hotels and motels and other public places. Blacks were not given employments on the basis of race and color and the ratio of black working men was almost negligible. They were not even given the right to vote. Cases of police violation on blacks were tremendous. As a result, gradual frustration began bottling up in the blacks. Finally, much to their relief, a decision by the Supreme Court, Brown v. Board of Education was issued in favor of the blacks. This decision given on May 17, 1954, recognized the discrimination against blacks in the field of education and declared that separate educational institutes resulted in unequal educational opportunities. Thus, it ordered all states to combine the blacks and white into same classrooms. However, the country, particularly the Southern part of America, was reluctant in carrying out the court order and hence, many years passed but the order failed to be put into operation. That is when Martin Luther King Jr. appeared. King had been working for equality and justice of blacks for a long time and was one of the prominent leaders in this movement. In order to spring the court order into action and protest for freedom, King along with other more than 250,000 individuals led a march to Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963, also known as the March on Washington. This rally included many other eminent characters such as actor Sidney Poitier, and labor leader Walter Reuther. All these influential heads addressed the audience and expressed their feelings individually; however, it was King’s speech; ‘I have a dream’ marked a landmark in civil right movement history. (Wikipedia, 1) About Martin Luther King Jr Born in January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Martin Luther King was the son of Reverend Martin Luther King, Sr. and a brother of two siblings. He earned his Bachelors degree in 1948 in sociology and then completed his Bachelor of Divinity degree afterwards. In 1955, he did his PhD from Boston University. Afterwards, he became a Baptist minister but then turned his focus towards the civil rights movement and fighting for the freedom of the blacks. He contributed to the establishment of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and also led the Montgomery Bus Boycott. He was the orator of the memorial speech ‘I have a dream’. He received Nobel Peace Price for his efforts to eliminate racial discriminations. He was also declared â€Å"Man of the Year† by Times Magazine. King was shot dead on April 4, 1968 in Lorraine Motel in Memphis. Martin Luther King Jr. Day was later established in his memory. (Wikipedia,1) Analysis of the Speech Style There is an element of emotional appeal in King’s speech. Rich in vocabulary, it is drenched in symbolism. The speech begins with an attention-grasping phrase and positive connotations. In fact, in the entire speech, whenever the future of blacks is mentioned, King has used strong and healthy words reflecting hope and an optimist approach. The first half of the speech; however, exposes the horrible reality the blacks faced. It narrates the story of thousands of blacks who were divested of their basic rights because of their coloring. King has made use of several phrases to describe the gloomy life of African Americans such as â€Å"the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. † (Alvarez, 339) King’s background as Baptist also came useful in his speech as it reminds many of the blacks’ Baptist sermons. It contains references from Bible; for example, his sentence, â€Å"It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity’ in the second stanza indicates to Psalm 30:5. Other allusions are found from Amos 5:24 and Isaiah 40:4. † (Wikipedia, 1) At the same time, the speech also reflects the Abraham Lincoln’s style in his Gettysburg Address when he uses the term, ‘Five score years ago’. (Public broadcasting service,1) Here again, the purpose of alluding to Lincoln in the commencing lines of speech is symbolic that is, he refers back to a leader who had fought the Southern states over the issue of slavery. In this way, King is reminding the whites that the slaves of in the 19th century and the blacks of 20th century shared a similar tragedy and the same repressive power. After emptying out his feelings of sorrow and despair for the African Americans, the speech then moves to the phase mirroring hope and about demanding their rights. Here, King uses the term ‘check’ to refer to their rights. (Heath, 146) His expressions such as ‘bank of justice’ and ‘riches of freedom’ compel any man of heart to melt and feel their pain. (Heath, 148) They are also an evident of his literacy exposure and knowledge which was rare in blacks at that time. Plus, these words depict a feeling of hope thriving in the speech. The way King demands for blacks’ right is purely beautiful and saintly as he says, ‘And so, we’ve come to cash this check’. (Alvarez, 352) Next, the speech emphasizes the significance of democracy and need to work together to achieve that state of democracy. Here, ‘Now is the time’ has been accentuated four times in the entire paragraph to demonstrate the critical requirement of acting promptly, without any further delay. (Alvarez, 355) He then refers this discrimination as a weakness of America that needs to be removed in order to achieve the nation’s mutual objectives. Here, King has used the technique of reaching the subconscious by using such words such as ‘children of God’ which itself defines that all blacks and whites are brothers. (Wikipedia 1) Hence, in this way, he didn’t have to say it directly and the message was also conveyed. While he talks of brotherhood and the need to put aside the differences and work together, he also issues a warning for the conflicting parties of the consequences if such circumstances failed to occur and promises the nation that they will struggle to fight and rebel until they were not granted their rights. This is evident from this sentence, ‘The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges. ’ (Alvarez, 338) Nevertheless, King was against violence and sermonized the message of peace. Hence, the main objective of King in this rally was also to communicate his message in a non-violent manner. After encouraging the blacks to continue the fight, the speech moves to its second half – the part about his dream –an American dream. Here, ‘I have a dream today! ’ is repeated at intervals to indicate that the dream must be accomplished immediately and not in some future time. The most popular phrase of this speech ‘I have a dream’ is repeated eight times. (Wikipedia, 1) In this part of the speech that is about his dream, he has offered the image of a united country; a country free of discrimination and hatred; a liberal state. This part is highly rhetorical and lulls the audience into another world the world he yearns to create. His words carry such weight that the audience is bound to share his dream even if they deny it. At the end of the speech, he has named several different states of America. The reason was to make it clear that they want respect, dignity and equality in not just some parts of America but in fact, the entire country. This point was explicitly a clear indication for the Southern states. The concluding stanzas contain a stimulating phrase, ‘Let freedom ring! ’ and ‘Free at last! ’ (Alvarez, 351) The absorbing aspect of this speech is its rhythmical flow. The speech begins with a background of the black citizens’ existing situation and the crisis they are facing. It then proposes the solution to their dilemma; followed by the explanation of the reason of why this solution should be implemented. For this part, King uses number of tools such as facts and emotional appeal. At the end, in order to provoke the feeling of urgent execution of his solution, he shares with the audience a stirring dream i. e. his vision of the ideal situation that would prevail if his proposed solution was put into practice. Techniques Used The climax of the speech is distressing yet uplifting. The beginning stanzas reveal the sad state of blacks in America but the approach of the speech is highly optimistic and inspires the blacks to continue their struggle and the whites to bury their axes and embrace their black brothers. The technique of anaphora has been widely employed. Anaphora is the repetition of same word or phrase again and again at the beginning of sentences. For example, the most extensively used anaphora, also the title of this speech, is ‘I have a dream’. Similarly, other examples of this tool are ‘One hundred years ago’, ‘Let freedom ring’, and ‘With this faith’, along with many others. (Wikipedia, 1) The speech is filled with metaphors. For instance, ‘long night of their captivity’ refers to their sufferings and ‘nation’s capital to cash a check’ points to their purpose of protest. At the same time, ‘this nation will rise up’ is again an indication of the coming revolution. Similarly, ‘I have a dream that my four children’ refers to the black community in reality and the word my gives it a personal touch. (Heath, 160) In fact, King has personalized the entire message by using the words you, my and me. The wealth of this speech is its exquisite vocabulary. Words are skillfully manipulated in such a way that they attach a new meaning to every phrase. The popularity of this speech also owns to this factor. In addition, the quantity and quality of information and words reveal King’s extensive research done before delivering the speech, plus his vast knowledge since it contains references from the Bible, The Gettysburg Address and the US Declaration of Independence. (Public broadcasting service,1) Hence, King has used various techniques and tools in this address including facts, anaphora, metaphors, motivation, visualization, arguments and persuasion. The entire speech is highly figurative and symbolic. In fact, the rally outside the Lincoln’s Memorial is symbolic in itself: they were standing outside the steps of Lincoln Memorial i. e. the memorial of a leader who abolished slavery in the Southern states. (Wikipedia, 1) Conclusion The most distinguished fact about this march was its non-violent approach and this speech is its leading example. While its majority of audience was black; its main target was the white people. While he talked of revolution; his speech contained a message of peace. It was able to answer the meaningless questions of the opposing parties and warn them of the consequences of denying the blacks their rights without any form of hostility. In other words, it instilled in the whites a feeling of guilt and humbleness which proved to be enough to achieve their objective. At the same time, it prodded the colored citizens to keep their hopes high and not to rest until they were ‘free at last! It also motivated President Kennedy to extend his support for this issue. The context of the speech and of the surroundings also became one of the reasons for the popularity of the speech. His speech articulated the feelings of all colored citizens and his voice became the voice of all black citizens. To sum up, King’s speech ‘I have a dream’ touches the depth of the hearts and captures the minds. Its words were able to bring tears in the eyes at that time and carry a captivating effect on the readers even today. With tools such as anaphora and metaphors employed, the speech holds an air of charisma. It shakes the souls of the slumbering and the unjust alike. All in all, the linguistic power of the speech is what makes it stand out from the rest and gain the status of one of the most influential speeches ever delivered. Bibliography Alvarez, Alexandra. â€Å"Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have a Dream’: The Speech Event as Metaphor,† Journal of Black Studies 18 1988: 337-57. Heath, Robert. â€Å"Black Rhetoric: An Example of the Poverty of Values† Southern Speech Communication Journal 39 1973: 145-60

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Communication Problems in the Workplace Essay -- Personal Narratives C

Communication Problems in the Workplace I work at Geneva Ace Hardware. My most important job, among my many duties, is to help customers. Usually everything goes ok, but there are always a few customers that can be hard to deal with. I’ve had to deal with Mexicans who can barely speak English. I’ve had to deal with Mexicans who use their 5 year old children/grandchildren as translators. I once had to deal with a Canadian couple whose accent was so rich; I would have about a 30 second delayed response to try to convert their English into my English. Then there are the people who just won’t accept my help because I’m only a kid. None of these people compare to the dude that was deaf. About a month ago I was standing in the main aisle of Ace chatting with Lambert, one of my coworkers. As we were talking, I noticed a guy approaching us. When I looked over my shoulder, I saw him stare right into my eyes, so I knew he needed some help. This was a big guy. He must have been 5’10† and 350 pounds, but it wasn’t exactly like he was fat. He was the kind of guy that had a lot of muscle, and then he had a layer of fat over that. This dude’s forearms were bigger than my lower legs. He had short, brown hair with a receding hairline. He had on work clothes, and he was sporting a big pair of wire-rimed glasses. These are the kind of glasses my grandpa would wear. This guy was probably in his late 40’s, but his karma made him appear much older. Anyway, as he’s approaching, I asked him if...