Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Financial Reporting and Analysis Literature review

Financial Reporting and Analysis - Literature review Example The company should try to increase this net profit in the future as it has fallen below the industry’s operating profit margin of 19%. Return on capital employed is way below the industry average for the company. It is 9.8% in 2009 which is very low. Although it has increased slowly to 10.83% in 2010, it is still way below the industry average of 20%. The company must try to increase this return drastically in the future by decreasing their liabilities. The company’s Return on equity measures the efficiency at generating profits from every unit of shareholder’s equity (BRIGHAM, Eugene F. and Ehrhardt, Michael C., 2010). The company’s Return on equity shows how well a company uses investment funds to generate earnings growth (CORREIA, Carlos et al., 2007). And the company’s Return on equity has increased from 2009-2010 from 5.27%-6.12% which is a very good sign but it is still on the low side. The Company’s return on the asset is neither too high nor too low. It is 8.86% in 2009 and has just increased slightly to 9.89% in 2010. Although, an increase is a good sign but the company must try and further increase this ratio in the ratio by decreasing their asset usage and to increase their net profit even further. Liquidity ratios illustrate the company’s ability to pay off obligations in the short term (CHANDRA, Prasanna, 2008). Current asset ratio and acid-test ratio are observed closely when liquidity is in question. The company is in a fairly good position in both of these parameters. The current ratio of the company has increased drastically from 1.46 in 2009 to 2.73 in 2010. In 2010 it is above the industry average of 2.5 which is a good sign for the company. It shows that a fair amount of assets are available to finance the liabilities of the company and that a company can pay off its short term liabilities quite easily. The Quick

Monday, October 28, 2019

Martin Luther King Essay Example for Free

Martin Luther King Essay America was experiencing a situation of chaos in the 1950s when the African Americans and the people of color began to rise for the fight of equality and freedom, and racial differences were realized. Initially, blacks and colored were widely discriminated. There were separate restaurants for white and the colored; separate educational institutes and likewise, separate hotels and motels and other public places. Blacks were not given employments on the basis of race and color and the ratio of black working men was almost negligible. They were not even given the right to vote. Cases of police violation on blacks were tremendous. As a result, gradual frustration began bottling up in the blacks. Finally, much to their relief, a decision by the Supreme Court, Brown v. Board of Education was issued in favor of the blacks. This decision given on May 17, 1954, recognized the discrimination against blacks in the field of education and declared that separate educational institutes resulted in unequal educational opportunities. Thus, it ordered all states to combine the blacks and white into same classrooms. However, the country, particularly the Southern part of America, was reluctant in carrying out the court order and hence, many years passed but the order failed to be put into operation. That is when Martin Luther King Jr. appeared. King had been working for equality and justice of blacks for a long time and was one of the prominent leaders in this movement. In order to spring the court order into action and protest for freedom, King along with other more than 250,000 individuals led a march to Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963, also known as the March on Washington. This rally included many other eminent characters such as actor Sidney Poitier, and labor leader Walter Reuther. All these influential heads addressed the audience and expressed their feelings individually; however, it was King’s speech; ‘I have a dream’ marked a landmark in civil right movement history. (Wikipedia, 1) About Martin Luther King Jr Born in January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Martin Luther King was the son of Reverend Martin Luther King, Sr. and a brother of two siblings. He earned his Bachelors degree in 1948 in sociology and then completed his Bachelor of Divinity degree afterwards. In 1955, he did his PhD from Boston University. Afterwards, he became a Baptist minister but then turned his focus towards the civil rights movement and fighting for the freedom of the blacks. He contributed to the establishment of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and also led the Montgomery Bus Boycott. He was the orator of the memorial speech ‘I have a dream’. He received Nobel Peace Price for his efforts to eliminate racial discriminations. He was also declared â€Å"Man of the Year† by Times Magazine. King was shot dead on April 4, 1968 in Lorraine Motel in Memphis. Martin Luther King Jr. Day was later established in his memory. (Wikipedia,1) Analysis of the Speech Style There is an element of emotional appeal in King’s speech. Rich in vocabulary, it is drenched in symbolism. The speech begins with an attention-grasping phrase and positive connotations. In fact, in the entire speech, whenever the future of blacks is mentioned, King has used strong and healthy words reflecting hope and an optimist approach. The first half of the speech; however, exposes the horrible reality the blacks faced. It narrates the story of thousands of blacks who were divested of their basic rights because of their coloring. King has made use of several phrases to describe the gloomy life of African Americans such as â€Å"the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. † (Alvarez, 339) King’s background as Baptist also came useful in his speech as it reminds many of the blacks’ Baptist sermons. It contains references from Bible; for example, his sentence, â€Å"It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity’ in the second stanza indicates to Psalm 30:5. Other allusions are found from Amos 5:24 and Isaiah 40:4. † (Wikipedia, 1) At the same time, the speech also reflects the Abraham Lincoln’s style in his Gettysburg Address when he uses the term, ‘Five score years ago’. (Public broadcasting service,1) Here again, the purpose of alluding to Lincoln in the commencing lines of speech is symbolic that is, he refers back to a leader who had fought the Southern states over the issue of slavery. In this way, King is reminding the whites that the slaves of in the 19th century and the blacks of 20th century shared a similar tragedy and the same repressive power. After emptying out his feelings of sorrow and despair for the African Americans, the speech then moves to the phase mirroring hope and about demanding their rights. Here, King uses the term ‘check’ to refer to their rights. (Heath, 146) His expressions such as ‘bank of justice’ and ‘riches of freedom’ compel any man of heart to melt and feel their pain. (Heath, 148) They are also an evident of his literacy exposure and knowledge which was rare in blacks at that time. Plus, these words depict a feeling of hope thriving in the speech. The way King demands for blacks’ right is purely beautiful and saintly as he says, ‘And so, we’ve come to cash this check’. (Alvarez, 352) Next, the speech emphasizes the significance of democracy and need to work together to achieve that state of democracy. Here, ‘Now is the time’ has been accentuated four times in the entire paragraph to demonstrate the critical requirement of acting promptly, without any further delay. (Alvarez, 355) He then refers this discrimination as a weakness of America that needs to be removed in order to achieve the nation’s mutual objectives. Here, King has used the technique of reaching the subconscious by using such words such as ‘children of God’ which itself defines that all blacks and whites are brothers. (Wikipedia 1) Hence, in this way, he didn’t have to say it directly and the message was also conveyed. While he talks of brotherhood and the need to put aside the differences and work together, he also issues a warning for the conflicting parties of the consequences if such circumstances failed to occur and promises the nation that they will struggle to fight and rebel until they were not granted their rights. This is evident from this sentence, ‘The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges. ’ (Alvarez, 338) Nevertheless, King was against violence and sermonized the message of peace. Hence, the main objective of King in this rally was also to communicate his message in a non-violent manner. After encouraging the blacks to continue the fight, the speech moves to its second half – the part about his dream –an American dream. Here, ‘I have a dream today! ’ is repeated at intervals to indicate that the dream must be accomplished immediately and not in some future time. The most popular phrase of this speech ‘I have a dream’ is repeated eight times. (Wikipedia, 1) In this part of the speech that is about his dream, he has offered the image of a united country; a country free of discrimination and hatred; a liberal state. This part is highly rhetorical and lulls the audience into another world the world he yearns to create. His words carry such weight that the audience is bound to share his dream even if they deny it. At the end of the speech, he has named several different states of America. The reason was to make it clear that they want respect, dignity and equality in not just some parts of America but in fact, the entire country. This point was explicitly a clear indication for the Southern states. The concluding stanzas contain a stimulating phrase, ‘Let freedom ring! ’ and ‘Free at last! ’ (Alvarez, 351) The absorbing aspect of this speech is its rhythmical flow. The speech begins with a background of the black citizens’ existing situation and the crisis they are facing. It then proposes the solution to their dilemma; followed by the explanation of the reason of why this solution should be implemented. For this part, King uses number of tools such as facts and emotional appeal. At the end, in order to provoke the feeling of urgent execution of his solution, he shares with the audience a stirring dream i. e. his vision of the ideal situation that would prevail if his proposed solution was put into practice. Techniques Used The climax of the speech is distressing yet uplifting. The beginning stanzas reveal the sad state of blacks in America but the approach of the speech is highly optimistic and inspires the blacks to continue their struggle and the whites to bury their axes and embrace their black brothers. The technique of anaphora has been widely employed. Anaphora is the repetition of same word or phrase again and again at the beginning of sentences. For example, the most extensively used anaphora, also the title of this speech, is ‘I have a dream’. Similarly, other examples of this tool are ‘One hundred years ago’, ‘Let freedom ring’, and ‘With this faith’, along with many others. (Wikipedia, 1) The speech is filled with metaphors. For instance, ‘long night of their captivity’ refers to their sufferings and ‘nation’s capital to cash a check’ points to their purpose of protest. At the same time, ‘this nation will rise up’ is again an indication of the coming revolution. Similarly, ‘I have a dream that my four children’ refers to the black community in reality and the word my gives it a personal touch. (Heath, 160) In fact, King has personalized the entire message by using the words you, my and me. The wealth of this speech is its exquisite vocabulary. Words are skillfully manipulated in such a way that they attach a new meaning to every phrase. The popularity of this speech also owns to this factor. In addition, the quantity and quality of information and words reveal King’s extensive research done before delivering the speech, plus his vast knowledge since it contains references from the Bible, The Gettysburg Address and the US Declaration of Independence. (Public broadcasting service,1) Hence, King has used various techniques and tools in this address including facts, anaphora, metaphors, motivation, visualization, arguments and persuasion. The entire speech is highly figurative and symbolic. In fact, the rally outside the Lincoln’s Memorial is symbolic in itself: they were standing outside the steps of Lincoln Memorial i. e. the memorial of a leader who abolished slavery in the Southern states. (Wikipedia, 1) Conclusion The most distinguished fact about this march was its non-violent approach and this speech is its leading example. While its majority of audience was black; its main target was the white people. While he talked of revolution; his speech contained a message of peace. It was able to answer the meaningless questions of the opposing parties and warn them of the consequences of denying the blacks their rights without any form of hostility. In other words, it instilled in the whites a feeling of guilt and humbleness which proved to be enough to achieve their objective. At the same time, it prodded the colored citizens to keep their hopes high and not to rest until they were ‘free at last! It also motivated President Kennedy to extend his support for this issue. The context of the speech and of the surroundings also became one of the reasons for the popularity of the speech. His speech articulated the feelings of all colored citizens and his voice became the voice of all black citizens. To sum up, King’s speech ‘I have a dream’ touches the depth of the hearts and captures the minds. Its words were able to bring tears in the eyes at that time and carry a captivating effect on the readers even today. With tools such as anaphora and metaphors employed, the speech holds an air of charisma. It shakes the souls of the slumbering and the unjust alike. All in all, the linguistic power of the speech is what makes it stand out from the rest and gain the status of one of the most influential speeches ever delivered. Bibliography Alvarez, Alexandra. â€Å"Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have a Dream’: The Speech Event as Metaphor,† Journal of Black Studies 18 1988: 337-57. Heath, Robert. â€Å"Black Rhetoric: An Example of the Poverty of Values† Southern Speech Communication Journal 39 1973: 145-60

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Communication Problems in the Workplace Essay -- Personal Narratives C

Communication Problems in the Workplace I work at Geneva Ace Hardware. My most important job, among my many duties, is to help customers. Usually everything goes ok, but there are always a few customers that can be hard to deal with. I’ve had to deal with Mexicans who can barely speak English. I’ve had to deal with Mexicans who use their 5 year old children/grandchildren as translators. I once had to deal with a Canadian couple whose accent was so rich; I would have about a 30 second delayed response to try to convert their English into my English. Then there are the people who just won’t accept my help because I’m only a kid. None of these people compare to the dude that was deaf. About a month ago I was standing in the main aisle of Ace chatting with Lambert, one of my coworkers. As we were talking, I noticed a guy approaching us. When I looked over my shoulder, I saw him stare right into my eyes, so I knew he needed some help. This was a big guy. He must have been 5’10† and 350 pounds, but it wasn’t exactly like he was fat. He was the kind of guy that had a lot of muscle, and then he had a layer of fat over that. This dude’s forearms were bigger than my lower legs. He had short, brown hair with a receding hairline. He had on work clothes, and he was sporting a big pair of wire-rimed glasses. These are the kind of glasses my grandpa would wear. This guy was probably in his late 40’s, but his karma made him appear much older. Anyway, as he’s approaching, I asked him if...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Why society is unfair with teen male?

The way in which my son is branded and spoken of is very exaggerated and unfair. Through the past month he experienced a difficult time going through a split with his fellow peer. He tried to reach for help through his teachers and a social worker, hoping to find a way to cope and instead he was abused with statements such as â€Å"this young man Is experiencing significant mental health Issues. † This all occurred because he dared to cry and show sorrow when he was told by the peer that she felt uncomfortable talking to him.Furthermore, after this incident that occurred on March 24, 2014, the peer contacted my son first on the same day. Approximately two weeks after, I was phoned at work by the principal, informing me that she would call the police if I was not able to come and pick up my son after school. I asked her to wait for me around 5-10 minutes, and moments after we had finished our conversation, she called the police nonetheless. She had also told my son that she wou ld not call the police unless he left the school.He did not leave and the police was still called. My son was escorted by the police to the RE per the principals statement that my son was having a â€Å"suicidal crisis. The principal came to this conclusion based on a Faceable conversation between my son and the peer which was shown to the principal by the peer. Recently, I read the messages In which my son stated â€Å"I'm always going to be there for you. † These words obviously show no intentions to commit suicide. My son was assessed by the RE team by DRP.Doe, a psychiatrist at H ¶tell-Died Grace Hospital where he was escorted by the police. He was released in the same night from the hospital as the RE team claimed that he was not in a crisis. The psychiatrist had not considered he needed any follow-up appointments or medication. He was not diagnosed with ant mental health illness. I communicated all of the results to the principal; however, she didn't accept my son to go back to school for a week now, though he was not suspended.During the ten school years of his life, I never once heard a complaint from any of his teachers regarding his behavior. His average mark Is over 90%. He has won numerous awards for his academic success and he was only ever praised by his teachers. Please help me rehabilitate my son's reputation at school and gain fair treatment by his principal and social worker at school. This incident was a small part of his school fife and his great sorrow was misinterpreted as a mental illness.Based on this event we cannot throw away and ignore all his years of hard work, and great behavior. Why society is unfair with teen male? By conspire â€Å"this young man is experiencing significant mental health issues. † This all occurred was shown to the principal by the peer. Recently, I read the messages in which my intentions to commit suicide. My son was assessed by the RE team by DRP. Doe,a communicated all of the results to the principal; however, she didn't accept my son to regarding his behavior. His average mark is over 90%. He has won numerous

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Why Should the Factor of Political Stability Be at the Very Top of the List of Criteria Used to Evaluate the Attractiveness of Potential Foreign Investments?

Why should the factor of political stability be at the very top of the list of criteria used to evaluate the attractiveness of potential foreign investments? There are several issues that should be considered when evaluating the attractiveness of a potential foreign investment. Among them we can stress three main groups of criteria: general market risks, commercial risks and political risks (the ones in focus in this essay).Political risks are caused by changes in a country’s political structure or policies and, according to Hollensen (2007) ownership, operating and transfer risks are the main types that a marketer can face. Restrictions in repatriation of profits, change of government party, civil strife, revolution and wars can threat the attractiveness of a certain market. J. Eli Margolis (Estimating State Instability 2012) tried to create a method that could help warning such problems as the ‘Arabic Spring’.As we know today, it is not merely cheap labor that F DI is constantly seeking: political considerations must join the economic ones so the investment has the chance to be succeeded. As an example, we can talk about the Solomon Islands: after serious civil turbulence, law and order were restored and political and economic situation started improving gradually. However, political instability remained a challenge and so, a key obstacle in attracting foreign direct investment into the country. Trade Policy review-WTO). Despite all this evidence we can always find different opinions. According to Peter D. Bennett and Robert T. Green (JMR 1972), political instability can be considered as a primary consideration in foreign investment decisions only within combined contexts of region and economic development and not as a general reason. Risk is not just about the possibility of losing market share or profits. Politic stability is extremely important.Taking the Irish case as an example, their aspiration to be free from British dependency resul ted in a policy of strong macroeconomic stability and honest bureaucracy. As a result, nowadays more than half of the Irish economy is foreign owned. There is political risk in every nation but also a wide range of procedures that countries can adopt to become more attractive to foreign investment ( E. g. Ease or resolve instability through humanitarian or government aid – S. Korean/ N.Korean 1999). In conclusion, I can say that terrorism and corruption are great threats for FI but there is always a way to face the situation and succeed. A detailed analyses of the host market and anticipation of certain risks is essential for the success of the investment and that is why the factor of political stability should be at the very top of the list of criteria used to evaluate the attractiveness of potential foreign investments. Filipa Florencio 26/03/2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Refer to Time

How to Refer to Time How to Refer to Time How to Refer to Time By Mark Nichol It’s time to talk about time: specifically, how to write references to units of temporal measurement. This post will note style for increments from seconds to centuries. Time of Day Imprecise times of day are generally spelled out: â€Å"six-o’clock news,† â€Å"half past one,† â€Å"a quarter to three,† and â€Å"eight thirty,† as well as â€Å"noon† and â€Å"midnight,† which are preferable to â€Å"12 pm† or â€Å"12 am,† because technically, these times are neither post meridiem (â€Å"after midday†) or ante meridiem (â€Å"before midday†). Another solution is to write â€Å"12 noon† or â€Å"12 midnight,† although the latter term could refer to either the very beginning or the very end of a given day. The style for precise time is â€Å"12:34,† though one-hour increments can be written with or without double zeroes as placeholders: Write â€Å"1:00 p.m.† or â€Å"1 p.m.,† though the former style is often seen as punctilious. Much of the world uses a twenty-four-hour clock system, so that the U.S. notation â€Å"1:23† is rendered almost everywhere else as â€Å"1323,† without a colon. This system is used occasionally in the United States, as in military and technological usage. Months and Days and/or Years References to dates consisting of the month and day require no comma (â€Å"October 10 is tomorrow†), but set off an appended year with commas (â€Å"October 10, 1960, dawned clear and bright†). (Don’t abbreviate the name of the month except in statistical arrays such as graphs and charts or to preserve direct quotations.) A subsequent mention of a day of the month (in which the month is known but not expressed again), however, should be spelled out in ordinal form (â€Å"The 11th, by contrast, was dark and gray†); note that the ordinal should not be styled in superscript form. Omit a comma before and after the year when the month but not a specific date precedes it: â€Å"January 2010 was an unusually wet month.† A note to writers of American English: Keep in mind that much of the world uses day-month-year notation (â€Å"25 December, 2010,† and â€Å"25-12-10† as shorthand for that date), so make sure international readers are clear about which number-only notation you use. Years Years are almost always rendered in numerals. One major exception honors the convention of not beginning a sentence with a number, but it’s better to recast a sentence than to write, â€Å"Two thousand eleven began auspiciously.† Another end run around this problem is to precede the year at the beginning of a sentence with the phrase â€Å"The year,† but this strategy introduces nonessential wording and creates an inconsistency if other years are mentioned in the same content. Years can also be abbreviated (â€Å"the spirit of ’76,† â€Å"the panic of ’29†), but note that the elision marker is an apostrophe, not an open single quotation mark. Decades Decades are displayed in numeral form or spelled out. However, no apostrophe is needed in the former style (â€Å"2010s,† not â€Å"2010’s†), although some publications retain this archaism. Do, however, precede the elided version of a decade with an apostrophe, just as in informal references to specific years, as mentioned in the previous post. Phrases that include more than one decade generally use complete numbers for all decades (â€Å"the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s†)† but elision is acceptable in informal usage. Lowercase spelled-out versions (â€Å"the nineties†) unless the number is part of the signifier of a cultural era (â€Å"the Roaring Twenties†). Ten-year ranges of decades are divided one of two ways: â€Å"2000-2009† (or â€Å"2000-09†), or â€Å"2001-2010† (or â€Å"2001-10†). If your writing project includes multiple references to decades and you mix decade ranges and spelled-out names of decades throughout, make your preference for when a decade starts known, and stick with it. Note that the first two decades of any given century cannot logically or gracefully be rendered in numerals or words: â€Å"1900s† already applies to the entire century, and â€Å"1910s† is inelegant because the numbers between 10 and 20 do not have the same naming patterns as the larger numbers; meanwhile, â€Å"the oughts† (or â€Å"aughts†) and â€Å"the teens† are widely considered clumsy solutions. Centuries and Eras Spell out or use numerals for names of centuries consistently depending on what style you use for other periods of time, but lowercase the word century. BCE and CE (â€Å"before Common Era† and â€Å"Common Era†) are acceptable secular alternatives to AD (anno Domini, or â€Å"the year of our Lord†) and BC (â€Å"before Christ†), but the traditional forms prevail. Note that syntactically, AD precedes the year, while BC follows it. (You’ll often see these abbreviations rendered in small caps diminutive versions of uppercase letters but this practice is fading in frequency.) Also, although the second number in a range can usually be elided to two digits (â€Å"2001-10†), when used with BC or BCE, the full form should be used to avoid confusion because, in these cases, the range falls rather than rises. (In other words, â€Å"175-50 BC† is the full expression of a 125-year range, not one of a single generation in which the second number is elided.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:4 Types of Gerunds and Gerund PhrasesProbable vs. PossibleThe Uses of â€Å"The†

Monday, October 21, 2019

Taking a Little Break from LinkedIn - A Wedding Roast for Mom

Taking a Little Break from LinkedIn - A Wedding Roast for Mom My family has a long history of writing lyrics for every big family event, to the tune of Woody Guthrie’s â€Å"Hey Lolly.† Hey Lolly consists of rhyming lines, with â€Å"Hey lolly lolly lo† sung after each line and a longer refrain sung after each section. The job (or joy, should I say?) of writing these roasts used be owned by my creatively gifted dad. Since his death 20 years ago, I’ve carried on the tradition in my own way. I wrote songs for my two nephews when they were Bar Mitzvah’ed (one to the tune of â€Å"The Rainbow Connection,† and the other to Pharrell’s â€Å"Happy†). I’ve written wedding roasts for other friends, too. Up until now, never a Hey Lolly. But then my 75-year-old mom got engaged to be married, and it was time. A few months ago, I started thinking of everything I knew about my mom and her fiancà ©, asking them sneaky questions, and putting the best bits into rhyming couplets- which my family and I delivered last Saturday at her wedding. It will help you, as you read, to know a few things: My dad went to Yale and attended just about every Yale-Harvard Game that was hosted at Yale. My sister and her husband combined their names when they were married, to â€Å"Gostein.† My mom drinks kombucha like it’s water, and it’s not unusual to find an entire shelfful of the stuff in her fridge. The wedding took place in Austin, TX, where my mom moved to join my sister several years ago. The wedding had a cowboy theme and the fare was Texas barbecue. Now imagine that my family and I are on stage facing an audience of 200+ guests, with my mom and her fiancà © in centrally located chairs facing the stage. My nephew is on the piano and each of the rest of us is singing a part that were appropriately assigned. I hope you enjoy! Hey Lolly for Marcia and Arnold – March 25, 2017 We gather here with joy and laughter To celebrate forever after Arnold, Marcia, now it’s time To roast you with a little rhyme. HEY LOLLY Arnold Lo – o – pez Cepero Is our tale’s swashbuckling hero And Marcia Bernstein is our queen Or should we call you Marcia Lopestein? HEY LOLLY Arnold ‘fore he met his new belle Spent many hours playing Free Cell, Passionate ‘bout his trips to India, Head filled up with loads of trivia†¦ He likes to study all things quizzical Especially the astrophysical. Marcia spent her hours singing And hugs to her grandchildren bringing She built a life she loved in Austin, With family, friends, and temple tossed in. And what could you count on to sate her? Kombucha in the ‘frigerator. HEY LOLLY Both bride and groom led splendid lives, But something lacked on their insides In both their hearts there was a cavern And so each headed to a tavern. ‘Twas ‘round the middle of November A day we always will remember Marcia got a hunch and came To watch the Yale Harvard Game Arnold showed up too and met A lady he would n’er forget That day this couple’s fate was sealed While Ivies battled on the field. It’s strange that game was so much fun†¦ ‘Cuz Yale lost†¦ but these two won! One problem – Arnold had no number He couldn’t call her – what a blunder! But in the end his Yalie smarts Found a way to Marcia’s heart. HEY LOLLY Two plus years have passed and now Each has made a faithful vow, He puts sushi on her plate, And often keeps her up too late, She has curbed his too-sweet tooth, And brought him to the fount of youth. They’ve traveled to exotic lands, And always come back holding hands Masada brought them sacred blessing Just one step toward their cowboy wedding. Let’s wish them joy that overflows, And love that grows and grows and grows. HEY LOLLY So, that is what The Essay Expert does when I’m not writing about LinkedIn, resumes, or big life lessons. I could write one of these for anyone if I were provided enough material, so let me know if you would like to enlist my assistance. I’d love to have the chance to use this different part of my brain more often. I’d also love to hear your favorite stories and traditions for weddings and other family events. Please share in the comments! Save Save Save Category:Life and LeadershipBy Brenda BernsteinMarch 27, 2017 1 Comment Liz Lynn says: March 28, 2017 at 5:06 pm Mazel tov to all of you!!! So nice to have good news! Log in to Reply

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Henry David Thoreaus Walden Quotes

Henry David Thoreau's 'Walden' Quotes Henry David Thoreaus Walden was published in 1854. The essay details the experiment in personal independence and self-reliance that Thoreau underwent, starting on July 4, 1845. During this period he lived on Walden Pond. Famous Quotations Let us first be as simple and well as Nature ourselves, dispel the clouds which hang over our brows, and take up a little life into our pores. Do not stay to be an overseer of the poor, but endeavor to become one of the worthies of the world. - Henry David Thoreau, 1. Economy, WaldenI had three pieces of limestone on my desk, but I was terrified to find that they required to be dusted daily, when the furniture of my mind was all undusted still, and threw them out the window in disgust. - Henry David Thoreau, 1. Economy, WaldenIn any weather, at any hour of the day or night, I have been anxious to improve the nick of time, and notch it on my stick too; to stand on the meeting of two eternities, the past and future, which is precisely the present moment; to toe that line. - Henry David Thoreau, 1. Economy, WaldenI would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion. - Henry David Thoreau, 1. Economy, WaldenTo be awake is to be alive. - Henry Dav id Thoreau, 2. Where I Lived and What I Lived For, Walden A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone. - Henry David Thoreau, 2. Where I Lived and What I Lived For, WaldenI have always been regretting that I was not as wise as the day I was born. - Henry David Thoreau, 2. Where I Lived and What I Lived For, WaldenI have a great deal of company in my house; especially in the morning, when nobody calls. - Henry David Thoreau, 5. Solitude, WaldenA lake is the landscapes most beautiful and expressive feature. It is Earths eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature. - Henry David Thoreau, 9. The Ponds, WaldenYou only need sit still long enough in some attractive spot in the woods that all its inhabitants may exhibit themselves to you by turns. - Henry David Thoreau, 12. Brute Neighbors, WaldenI learned this, at least, by my experiment; that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a su ccess unexpected in common hours. - Henry David Thoreau, 18. Conclusion, Walden If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. - Henry David Thoreau, 18. Conclusion, WaldenHowever mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names. - Henry David Thoreau, 18. Conclusion, Walden

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Media Communication of Scientific and Environmental Information Essay

Media Communication of Scientific and Environmental Information - Essay Example This does not auger well with society needs, as there is nothing like general audience. News reporting should enable decision makers to do their job effectively and at the same time, it should make sense to experts in the field. Thesis Statement. The objective of this review paper is to discuss how unethical partial or wrong reporting of scientific information is. In this context, I will illustrate how partial reporting of scientific views ends up harming the exact masses the media aims to protect. EFFECTS OF SCIENCE AND MEDIA IN DAILY LIFE Economic Ramifications. Scientific claims are usually beneficial to the society in curbing or at least reducing the adverse effect of natural or artificial phenomena to the environment and human life. For instance, the US government had spent millions of dollars to remove asbestos roofing to avoid its effects on human health. In this case, the general population received suppressed information and scientific views that had opposed it ignored. Late r, scientists figured out that the process of removing asbestos produced toxic gases that were more harmful than letting them be (â€Å"New View† 1993; cited in Roll-Hansen 104). The media played a key role in suppressing the information from one side since it had biased opinions towards supporting the government project. This is grossly unethical and goes against the requirement that the media be impartial in their reporting. More research needed to take placed if they had reported the findings of those scientists thereby conserving resources. Finally, there is the need for a good relationship between the media and scientists to ensure that reporting of findings is as accurate and timely as possible. Norwegian Tree Deaths. In Norway, tree death was intense at the beginning of 1980s. This situation was not unique to Norway since it also existed in Germany among other countries and it affected many tree species. Reports focussed on fir and spruce since their deaths were more d ramatic with needle loss and thinning of tree crown before death (Roll-Hansen 105). Though there were many causes of tree death, the most reported cause was acid rain probably because the rest of the causes were boring scientific explanations that would not adequately serve the media’s main profiteering agenda. For the media to make it in the highly competitive environment, the headlines have to be sensational and eye catching. Scientists maintained that the situation was not as damaging as portrayed by the media and the government. They advanced that there should not be a comparison with Germany since the two countries had different dynamics in respect to pollutants and ways of handling it (Roll-Hansen 104). During this time, the Norwegian institute of forest reserve (NISK) organized a conference on the matter. The media was quite disappointed that there was nothing to report showing that the media only had interest in reporting one side of the story and not the other. This was another way of saying that scientific conferences are not sensational or newsworthy enough to generate enough sales in the highly competitive environment. The media criticized the NISK for denying the role of acid in tree death and at the same time ignoring the other causes of tree death proposed by the NISK (Roll-Hansen 106). Though the media criticized scientists for their attitude on the acid rain and forest death, they agreed with scientific reports that acid rain was the

Friday, October 18, 2019

History on russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

History on russia - Essay Example having spent money and drunk liquor out of dullness because he yearns to be back home, confessing further â€Å"we weren’t wealthy, but things went properly – we lived well.† Avdeev’s living entails sacrifice for he accepts the fate that is originally meant for his brother who could not afford to leave his family. It is at that state of character when Avdeev encounters Murad and another Chechen, Bata, who both must be accompanied to the prince. Neither Murad nor Bata bears weapon or a sign of intention to combat with the Russian soldiers, instead, they emerge to confront them with humble countenances. Upon his return with Bondarenko, Avdeev enthusiastically tells â€Å"And do you know, mates, those shaven-headed lads are fine!† in reference to Murad and Bata. According to Avdeev, â€Å"Yes, really – What a talk I had with them! Such a good talk we had! Such nice fellows!†. Eventually, it may be inferred herein that despite their conspicuous differences as Chechen and Russian who generally treat each other as enemies at the time, Avdeev and Murad quite reflect a common object – that of being drawn to mundane rather than military life, where both are inclined to settle toward the heart of peace. Even if Murad is embodied in the narrative as a thorny thistle of the field by the author, his becoming a separatist guerrilla who chooses to detach from the command of Shamil occurs to bother not Avdeev’s good view of him as a fine fellow though his presence ought to threaten the aoul village at the knowledge that Murad is in secret keeping of Sado at its expense. In other words, Murad’s existence alludes pursuit of hostility, while the two warring territories have not come to reconcile terms by which their conflict persist. However, Avdeev perceives beyond such conflict and sees Murad as a man that could remind him of a family he longs to be reunited with. Hence, this should justify a personal decision to understand the case of Murad rather than hold his

Is Present-Day English a creole Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Is Present-Day English a creole - Research Paper Example The developments in the English language that witnessed the advancement of the period had been found in the Middle English realized in the four centuries between 11th and 16th century. The argument in the advancement of the English language had been placed that the entity developed from the manipulation of pidgin. The argument had been placed that the language had witnessed manipulation and inclusion of creolisation to realize the changes in the language. The progression had been witnessed in the language as it transformed from the Old English to Middle English. These terms had been applied to suggest the advancements that had existed in the language and the definitions accorded, as various events brought transformation witnessed and inclusion of Creole effect on English. The result saw the inclusion of variable verbs and sentence structure that had resembled the influence from a foreign entity that had prompted the suggestion of Creole. To articulate the steps that had been involved in the transformation, there needs to be an analysis of the changes that were realized in the Old English system as it advanced to Middle English. The argument is placed to link Creole to English and the connection shared in the history of the English language. ... The changes that had been introduced in the English language had been more prominent during the Middle Ages. The resemblance of Old English of the AD 1000 period had resembled the ancient Germanic languages. Furthermore, the language had been noted to fail to meet the intelligent expectation of the speakers as compared to the Middle English established during AD 1400. The transformation within the language had been advanced in varied measures that had been developed in colonization by both Scandinavian group and Normans. The presentation would lead to the inclusion of the effects of the Anglo-Norman within the spoken English vocabulary as presented in the modern society. The Scandinavians, on the other hand, contributed to the witnessed simplicity of the vocabulary in the language that had been profoundly influenced by the Anglo-Norman origin. These changes had been on a limited platform and failed to spread to South West England that saw advancement of Old English into a recognized literal language. The Normans had invaded in 1066, a development that saw the enhancement of the literal English from the influence in London. The leading societal institutions adopted the trend to include the technical aspect in the language that had been influenced tremendously by the Old Norman system. The Renaissance adopted the provision to develop the language based on the desire to incorporate aspects within the development as had been with the other leading languages. The development saw advancement of the English vocabulary that had relied on other languages to achieve the noticed developments. This had been witnessed in the inclusion of Norman and French to present the platform and source to derive foreign vocabulary. Proto-English The group recognized as the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Barry Tomatoland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Barry Tomatoland - Essay Example A major downside of these industrially grown tomatoes is their lack of taste, as compared to organically grown tomatoes that re provided with the necessary nutrients and care required. Estabrook gives a rather interesting history of the tomato plant, tracing it back to its original habitat in South America, and provides a great difference between the tomatoes produced today in areas as Florida and those that are grown naturally. The use of industrial agriculture to grow these tomatoes has numerous negative effects to the quality of tomatoes produced and especially to the workers who work in those farms. This paper aims to look at two main issues Estabrook highlights facing the tomato industry and possible solutions to help solve them. Estabrook depicts the state of Florida as the worst state to grow tomatoes given its very poor soils and the high levels of humidity recorded in the state. The tomatoes are grown on sandy soil, which lacks the very important nutrients required for adequ ate growth of most crops, and therefore farmers have to utilize chemical fertilizers in order to make the sand soil a suitable planting medium. The sunny weather and high humidity in the state provide an adequate atmosphere for the existence of many pests and insects such as spots, blights, and molds that pose a serious danger for producing healthy tomatoes. Estabrook explains a disturbing picture of modern-day slavery in one of the most democratic country in the world where people enjoy various rights and freedoms. He clearly shows some of the harsh conditions that most laborers working in these tomato farms undergo, especially in Immokalee, Florida, the major growing area for winter tomatoes. Most of these workers are illegal immigrants, mostly from Mexico, and cannot speak neither Spanish nor English, which places them at a disadvantage. Some of these immigrants are brought into the country through illegal human trafficking channels and are usually tortured and mistreated and sur vive in very poor living conditions, mostly without enough food and proper sanitary facilities. They work very hard and are paid very low wages that are paid irregularly. It is very disturbing to imagine a worker

Examining the Effectiveness of Bicameralism Essay

Examining the Effectiveness of Bicameralism - Essay Example Bicameralism entails a legislature that is characterized by the division of legislators into two assemblies. This approach tends to have an influence on presidential and parliamentary systems. The presidential system would have the legislators elected directly by the separate chambers. A parliamentary system assumes a different approach as it is characterized by the presence of a lower and an upper chamber. The first chamber has the legislators elected directly while those in the second chamber can be elected directly or indirectly. The effectiveness of a bicameral system has been contended as some see it as a virtue of any constitutional design as another term it as a suggestion of weakness in any legislative system. Citing related literature, we can establish that bicameralism has a unique history and was established with an aim of balancing the needs of the majority and the minority, but the division can make deliberation of legislature slow and laborious. Bicameralism finds its roots in Europe where the likes of Aristotle suggested the need for a multi-chambered legislature. The logic behind Bicameralism was the fact that the society always has people on both extreme ends. The groups have unique features that are distinctively defined such that they should be represented separately. This notion became popular in medieval Europe, and many European countries were inspired to assume this direction (Tsebelis & Money, 2009).

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Barry Tomatoland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Barry Tomatoland - Essay Example A major downside of these industrially grown tomatoes is their lack of taste, as compared to organically grown tomatoes that re provided with the necessary nutrients and care required. Estabrook gives a rather interesting history of the tomato plant, tracing it back to its original habitat in South America, and provides a great difference between the tomatoes produced today in areas as Florida and those that are grown naturally. The use of industrial agriculture to grow these tomatoes has numerous negative effects to the quality of tomatoes produced and especially to the workers who work in those farms. This paper aims to look at two main issues Estabrook highlights facing the tomato industry and possible solutions to help solve them. Estabrook depicts the state of Florida as the worst state to grow tomatoes given its very poor soils and the high levels of humidity recorded in the state. The tomatoes are grown on sandy soil, which lacks the very important nutrients required for adequ ate growth of most crops, and therefore farmers have to utilize chemical fertilizers in order to make the sand soil a suitable planting medium. The sunny weather and high humidity in the state provide an adequate atmosphere for the existence of many pests and insects such as spots, blights, and molds that pose a serious danger for producing healthy tomatoes. Estabrook explains a disturbing picture of modern-day slavery in one of the most democratic country in the world where people enjoy various rights and freedoms. He clearly shows some of the harsh conditions that most laborers working in these tomato farms undergo, especially in Immokalee, Florida, the major growing area for winter tomatoes. Most of these workers are illegal immigrants, mostly from Mexico, and cannot speak neither Spanish nor English, which places them at a disadvantage. Some of these immigrants are brought into the country through illegal human trafficking channels and are usually tortured and mistreated and sur vive in very poor living conditions, mostly without enough food and proper sanitary facilities. They work very hard and are paid very low wages that are paid irregularly. It is very disturbing to imagine a worker

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 69

Summary - Essay Example India has made well-publicized progress especially in technical education, and we also see that China has not held back.  These two countries have a breathtaking level and pace of investment. As clearly observed, China reforms led to the creation of 22 million new businesses employing 135 million people who would have remained peasants. This has greatly been facilitated through creation of Special Economic Zones where foreign companies which are willing to build modern factories hire cheap labor, and are exempted from taxes, leaving it to the government to build roads and other infrastructure needed (Faigley & Jack 394). The â€Å"big elephant phenomenon† has been mainly due to the removal of barriers to the flow of capital from abroad. This has led to the rise of very effective and internationally competitive softwares and IT, together with the influx of multinational corporations like Starbucks and MacDonald’s, which have several branches in these two countries, thus elevating the country from the crisis of 77% living on 2$ a day.   These two countries have embraced the fact that technology is only one dimension of international competitiveness, and that low labor cost is one more.  We are individualists in our personal ambitions but we either follow or fail as one people in our search for economic progress (Faigley & Jack

Monday, October 14, 2019

How Can Risk Influence Risk Premium Essay Example for Free

How Can Risk Influence Risk Premium Essay Risk and return are the fundamental basis upon which investors make their decision whether or not they should invest in a particular investment. How they are related and the influence between the two, is the decision making process that all investors must weigh up. This essay will show how risk can influence risk premium, outlining their relationship and how risk and return are related. Within any investment there is a certain amount of risk, which must be taken into account by an investor when deciding to invest. Risk is defined as the chance of financial loss or, more formally the variability of returns associated with a given asset. This concept in finance is the idea that all investment carries a risk, the higher the risk, the greater the return, however the adverse is also relevant, when the risk of an investment is lower the return is expected to also be lower. However, with all investment there is never a guarantee of return. Return is the total gain or loss experienced on an investment over a given period of time. It is measured by the asset’s cash distributions plus change in value, divided by its beginning-of-period value. (Gitman, et al. , 2011, p. 08) Returns on investment are the motivation to all investors, however as all investment carries a risk, the investor must have a required and expected return on the investment. Expected return, is the return that an asset is expected to produce over some future period of time, while required return, is that which an investor requires an asset to produce if he/she is to be a future investor in that asset. It is here that we see the relationship between risk and return. With the expected and required return on an asset, an investor can calculate the return of an asset and its risk. Kidwell, et al. , 2007, p. 307) To better understand this relationship we must analyse risk premium. Risk premium refers to an asset’s expected rate of return and how that exceeds the risk free rate. The risk free rate is the interest rate of a stable investment usually a government bond or Treasury bill, which is used as a stabilizer and market equivalent in the calculation of the risk and return. (Kidwell, et al. , 2007, p. 307) The required rate of return is therefore based on the expectations of the investor. Risk premium is the compensation for making and undertaking an investment and risk. It is here that we bring all the above mentioned components of risk, return, and risk premium together to formulate: Required rate of return = Risk-free rate of return + Risk premium From this equation we see how risk can influence the risk premium and in turn affect the required rate of return. As risk premium is based on the investor’s compensation for undertaking the risk, we can surmise that the higher the compensation wanted by the investor, the higher the risk will have to be to gain the required rate of return.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Eastern And Oriental Hotel Tourism Essay

The Eastern And Oriental Hotel Tourism Essay The Eastern Oriental Hotel is a tranquil haven in the heart of Penang. This is a hotel with old colonial charm and the finest traditions of comfort and service. Right at its door step, it is an amazing heritage of art and architecture, festivals and food. The Eastern Oriental Hotel is just a few minute walk away from a variety of shops, restaurants, cafes, bars and clubs. Besides that, each magnificent suite is extravagantly spacious and thoughtfully furnished with modern day amenities and access to the wireless world.  The Eastern Orientals modern facilities within its enchanting ambience enable guests to pursue their business interests as well as to network, to socialise or simply to relax.   Heritage  Eastern Oriental  Hotel (listed as one of the must-visit destinations in the New York Times bestseller 1,000 Places to Visit before Your Die  by Patricia Schultz) 2.0 The market segments being targeted by the firm Eastern Oriental Hotel was established in 1885 by the Armenian Sarkies Brothers in Penang. It is a colonial-style hotel. The market segments that being targeted by EO Hotel are the foreign people, old and rich people, couples and families. The first market segments being targeted are the foreign people. They are mainly from China, South Korea, Hong Kong, Middle East, Europe and America. Almost 70 percent of guests arrivals derive from overseas markets such as the UK, Japan, Australia, Singapore and USA, with the remaining coming from within Malaysia. Some young adults from foreign countries will also stayed in EO Hotel because they can afford it and expect to get an excellent service. They feel more convenience staying at EO Hotel because there are clubs or bars around the hotel. The second market segments being targeted are the senior citizen which is age 55 above and rich people. EO Hotel is a luxury hotel and it is already 126 year in Penang. The old people like to come to EO Hotel because they come to travel, enjoy their life with the beautiful scenery and willing to spend their money after they had retired. Therefore, EO Hotel located at the Heritage of Penang, there are many Pre-war homes and historic site such as Fort Cornwallis. This can attract the old people who like about history come to travel and stay at EO Hotel. The third market segments being targeted are the couples. EO Hotel will offer the package of wedding which is the hotel will offer a room to the couples who having their wedding function at EO Hotel Ballroom. Almost all the hotel will offer this kind package to the couples who are having their wedding function at their hotel. Therefore, the couples choose to have their wedding function at EO Hotel is because EO Hotel is a luxury and famous hotel in Penang. Besides that, EO Hotel is near to the sea and the couples can have their wedding photo shooting at the seaside. The fourth market segments being targeted are the families. A family member mostly will include 2-3 kids. They will choose to stay at EO Hotel whenever they travel to Penang. When there is an activity organized near to EO Hotel, there will be more families come to stay at EO Hotel, the activity such as, Bon Odori, annual jazz festival , natural park and so on . So the kids will not get bored because in the hotel, there is a swimming pool for the kids and the adults to swim. Therefore, the parents and the kids will definitely enjoy staying in EO Hotel. 3.0 The various strategies used by the firm in marketing-mix Product In hotel, their main products are rooms followed by food beverage and then facilities. Rooms All room and suites are magnificently furnished and spacious. Each guest who stays in the EO will receives the guarantee that their personal needs and comfort are a constant focus from the moment they arrive. There are 7 types of rooms: Deluxe Suite Suite size: 58 sqm. Georgetown Suite Suite size: 79 sqm. Premier Suite Suite size: 58 sqm. Straits Suite Suite size: 87sqm. Writers Suite Suite size: 135 sqm. Pinang Suite Suite size: 241 sqm. Eastern Oriental Suite Suite size: 522 sqm. Restaurants A tantalising medley of flavours and aromas await guests in the hotels restaurants, cafes and bars, each with its own unique aura. To have a midnight snack, the Eastern Oriental provides 24-hour Room Service. Sarkies Corner Operating hours are from 6.30 am 11.00 pm (Daily) The 1885 Operating hours are from 2.30 pm 10.30 pm (Open Daily) The Bakery Operating hours are from 10.00 am 10.00 pm (Daily) Farquhars Bar Operating hours are from 11.00 am to 11.00 pm. Verandah Operating hours are from 6.30 am 11.00 pm (Daily) The Deck Operating hours are from 11.00am to 7.00pm (Daily) Facilities Sauna   Fitness Facility Meeting Rooms Babysitting or child care Banquet facilities Swimming pool ( outdoor ) Price Prices for rooms: Types of room Low season Peak season Deluxe RM 730 RM 830 Georgetown RM 730 RM 830 Premier RM 860.00 RM 960.01 Straits Unavailable Unavailable Writers Unavailable Unavailable Pinang Unavailable Unavailable Eastern Oriental Suite Unavailable Unavailable ** The prices are subjected to change according to the peak season or off season. Place Eastern Oriental Hotel is situated in Georgetown at the intersection of Farquhar Street and Penang Road. It is located at Heritage area. The Eastern Oriental Hotel is just 20 kilometres away from the Penang International Airport and within walking distance to the food havens, shopping complexes and entertainment outlets of downtown Georgetown. Guests can also take a walk to Fort Cornwallis, the City Hall and the Penang State Museum. The guests will also loves to browse the shops, bazaars and restaurants for great bargains and delicious treats, while discovering temples, mosques and churches in quiet little corners. Eastern Oriental hotel is the only one in Penang. It does not have any branches. This makes the hotel special. Promotion There are few ways to promote the EO hotel. The first way is promote through filming. Filming with celebrities is a good way to promote the hotel. For example, on the August 2011, Asian Food Channel (AFC) came to Eastern Oriental Hotel to film. This will actually helps to promote it out to those who are watching AFC channel. A Chinese local actor Ah Niu had came to film at the hotel too. This will actually let worldwide people know about this hotel. The second ways to promote the hotel is through word of mouth. The hotel can also depend on the guests to help to promote the hotels name. For examples, during the weddings night, if the services are extremely good while everything went smoothly and the banquet hall is all nicely decorated, all those who attended the dinner, will goes out to promote to his / her friends or relatives. This will actually helps to spread the good news around. This is also a way to promote the hotel. The third ways to promote the hotel is by advertising through social network. The hotel can create a page at the social network to let the worldwide people knows about the hotel and also the upcoming events of the hotel. Any promotions of the hotel can also include there. People will get update news through social networks. Examples of social networks are Facebook. 4.0 The different environment that have an impact on the firms operation The market environment consists of the various external factors that direct or indirect affect the marketing management. The marketing environment is made up of microenvironment and marcoenvironment. Microenvironment is the elements close to the organization that ability to affect a companys planning and performance. The microenvironment consists of five components which are company, suppliers, customers, competitors, and intermediaries. The first component is the company. EO hotel has several departments and management levels that can affect the marketing managements decision making. The top management of EO hotel is the one who responsible to set the company mission, vision, objectives, policies and broad strategies. Besides that, all departments must work closely with one another. Departments such as purchasing, accounting, research and development finance and etc. The second component is the suppliers of the hotel. Suppliers provide the resources needed by the hotel to produce goods and services. For example, EO hotel rely on the suppliers who provide the ingredients or raw materials to the kitchen every day. Fresh ingredients needed every day to produce quality foods. Increase in ingredients or raw material prices will affect on the marketing mix strategy of the hotel. The close relationship with the supplier is one way of ensuring competitive and quality products for the hotel.   The third component is the customers of the hotel. Western people and the age group above 50 years old are the guests of the hotel. Although the room rates of the hotel are slightly higher compare to other hotels but these two groups of people willing to pay and stay at this hotel. One of the main reason they visited EO hotel is because of EO hotel is the only five star heritage hotel at the heart of the city. Besides that, the banquet of EO hotel is fully book during weekend and peak seasons. EO hotel also provide interesting wedding package to the customers. A lot of people like to have their wedding ceremony, lunch and dinner at EO hotel. The fourth component is the competitors. The competitors of EO hotel are other heritage hotels in Penang and the hotels nearby. Other heritage hotel in Penang such as Rasa Sayang Resort and Spa is the competitor of EO hotel. Rasa Sayang Resort and Spa is a five star heritage hotel allocated at Batu Ferrighi. Their room rate and EO room rate are similar but their target market slight different. EO hotel target is to attract tourists that visited the heritage city of Penang and Rasa Sayang Resort and Spa is to attract tourists that going for relaxation and enjoying water sports. The hotel nearby EO hotel such as Bayview hotel. Bayview hotel is opposite EO hotel. The customers of Bayview hotel are the tourist travel through travel agencies and businessman. The fifth component is the intermediaries. Marketing intermediaries are firms or agencies that help the hotel to promote. There is several government websites help to promote the heritage side of Penang. Some German and Chinese movie and television program had their shooting at the hotel. The German movie entitled A Love and Death on Java and the television program entitled Discovery Travel and Living shooting at EO hotel in year 2010. Positive media attention on the hotel makes the hotel to promote well. Audience can watch the programmers through TV. It is more direct to communicate to the audience. So this is a very powerful and positive impact. Marcoenvironment is the elements which can affect how a company is operate but which are beyond its control. The marcoenvironment consists of four components such as political and legal environment, economic, social and technology. The first component is the political and legal environment. The changes in the political and legal environments at both the domestic and international levels can affect the hotel. To many hotels, domestic political considerations are likely to be of prime concern. However, hotel involved in international operations are faced with the additional dimension of international political developments. For example, the changes political in western countries will affect the business of the hotel because the hotel business depends on the western tourists. Other than that, the political of our country will also affect the business of the hotel. The tourists from other countries will less visit our country The second component is the economic. Political and economic forces are often strongly related. Economic factors are of concern to marketing hotel because they are likely to influence, among other things, demand, costs, prices and profits. The changes in world economic forces are highly significant to hotel, particularly those engaged in international marketing. However, an understanding of economic changes and forces in the domestic economy is also importance as such forces have the most immediate impact. The changes in economy cause the customers to spend less. Besides that, unemployment rate become higher because the economy become worst. These will cause the decreases the demand of many luxury goods and services. The third component is the social. Customers have differences in attitudes, beliefs, motivation, morality, superstition, and perception and other characteristics when demand of goods and services. The type of goods and services demanded by consumers is a function of their social conditioning and their consequent attitudes and beliefs. The people who willing to spend more and enjoying their holiday such as people who had retired will choose to stay at EO hotel. Mostly the guests will not visit the hotel alone. They will bring their spouses along with them. They will enjoy while staying in the hotel and willing to spend more for their lunch or dinner in the restaurant. The fourth component is the technology. The changing in technology may affect the demand for a hotel goods and services. Technological changes may create new opportunities for the hotel. Technological innovation continues to move at an increasingly rapid rate. The changing in technology will help the hotel to promote on the website. Website such as the hotel website, Penang Tourism government website, Penang heritage website and etc. Besides that, the guests of the hotel will give their feedbacks of the hotel through their personal blog, feedback, forum and etc. Through these, a lot of people will understand more about of the hotel. If there had negative comments about the hotel, this will cause the hotel had bad images. 5.0 The current trends that the organization could face 5.1 Current trends Trends means the general direction in which something tends to move while current means the latest belonging to the present time. Therefore, current trends means is the latest trends in the hotel itself. The current trend of the Eastern Oriental Hotel (EO) is the Heritage sites and is located at the center of the city. EO hotel has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2008, George Town, was cited as A remarkable example of historic colonial towns on the Straits of Malacca that demonstrate a succession of historical and cultural influences arising from their former function as trading ports linking East and West. The EO hotel is a colonial hotel design that mix old-world charm with modern extravagances. Besides that having heritage sides, the different type of food also is the current trends for the EO .hotel. Penang famous of many different type of hawker food .Instead of room , EO hotel can more focus on their restaurant ,promote more of their restaurant to the outsider , so that can improve the sales of the hotel 5.2 Opportunities Opportunities mean external  chances to make greater sales or profits in the environment. Eastern Oriental Hotel is a colonial design that mixes old-world charm with modern extravagances so many people would like to have their wedding photo shooting session at the hotel due to its unique surroundings. This is a good chance to promote the environment of the hotel to the public. There will also come with a package that guest who is having wedding in their banquet; the package will come with the honeymoon suite and the facilities. Besides that, some food channel or movie company also do filming at Eastern Oriental Hotel. Example for the food channel is Asian Food Channel (AFC), for the movie is German movie entitled A Love and Death on Java at the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. For the local Chinese movie that directed by local artist Ah Niu. For the shooting photo or movie, also will make the greater sales or profits and also will increase the reputation of the hotel and also will attract others people to come. EO hotel also can promote the restaurant in their hotel , because the current trends is the food in Penang . EO hotel can do more promotion for their restaurant such as: 1885 Restaurant, The selection of inventive fusion dishes from EO hotel accomplished chefs, accompanied by a superb selection of wines, marks 1885 as the perfect choice for an enjoyable dining experience, can promote to outsider instead of just promote the hotel room, maybe they will come and dining in. The EO brand is now synonymous with premier developments, and we have been complimented that EO adds the distinct style ingredient into lifestyle. Again, we came to secure this reputation by no accident it was a conscious strategy that we worked hard towards. EO hotel could also expand internationally, either together or through strategic alliances with other global property companies to increase their brand value and presence. EO hotel can also develop new growth engines from existing and new markets. Beyond property development, EO hotel could also explore the possibility of leveraging on each others hospitality capabilities. 5.3 Strengths Strengths mean characteristics of the business or team that give it an advantage over others in the industry. Eastern Oriental Hotel is build in a good location because it is at the center of the city. Eastern Oriental Hotel is near to the seaside so that guests can enjoy the sea view from the hotel. The attraction that near to Eastern Oriental Hotel are such as: Fort Cornwallis, The City Hall and also the Penang State Museum. There are also clubs, pubs, restaurants and cafà ©s all around the place which is nearby to the hotel. Eastern Oriental Hotel is a luxury and old European style hotel, so the hotel provides good quality service, nicely designed and good quality of food and beverage. Penang current trends is different type of food, so EO hotel will be a place that the tourist not only can enjoy the Penang seaview and the heritage building of EO hotel, around EO hotel still can enjoy the culture of Penang . EO has successfully built a strong portfolio and visible premier niche brand in the property development, hospitality and lifestyle segment in Malaysia. Having established their self locally, EO hotel intend to push the boundary further by making EO an inspirational brand that is recognised locally, regionally and eventually internationally. EO hotel is a heritage hotel that has 126 years old , over its century-and-a-quarter history. Attended to by the EOs legendary butler service, each suite offers the perfect invitation to step back into the refined elegance and colonial grandeur of a golden age. So that the guest can enjoy to stay at the old colonial charm building. 5.4 Weaknesses Weaknesses mean the characteristics that place the firm at a disadvantage relative to others. The common weakness is the parking lot for the Eastern Oriental Hotel is too expensive. Normal day for the parking fees is from morning until evening is RM 5, for night time is RM 10. For peak season will increase until RM 20, sometime during public holidays, the parking fees will increase to RM 40. This is too high expenses for a driver just to park their car at the parking lot. But sometimes customers drive along the way to the heart of the city and cannot find parking, so they will choose to park at the parking lot although it is too expensive. Eastern Oriental Hotel is a luxury hotel, so the room rate or the food and beverage will be more expensive compared to others place and so because of this, Eastern Oriental Hotel is not attracted by the budget traveller, because it is too expensive for them just to stay one night. 5.5 Threats Threats mean the external  elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business. EO hotel is a five stars hotel and Penang has a lot of different categories of 5 stars hotel such as Rasa Sayang Beach and Spa Resort, G- hotel, Equatorial and so on.So they become the competitor with EO hotel . They have different style of the hotel and concept of hotel such as : a) Rasa Sayang Beach and Spa resort Is a expansive luxury retreat in traditional Malaysian style, nestled along Penangs popular Batu Feringgi Beach. This iconic beach resort offers its guests a luxurious accommodation option replete with an array of amenities whilst situated amidst impressive and majestic scenery. Attract customer that more like to challenge or have fun in the water sport activity, such as motorboat, banana boat, parachute and many more. Besides that, Rasa sayang beach and spa resort also provide spa for guest . b) G- hotel Is a bold, beautiful creation in homage to modern, G-hotel fuses cool modernity with stylish comfort. Is located at the Penang most boulevard place. Shopping mall, Penang local hawker centre, is also a advantages that near to the seaside. The room design with concept of modern, space and comfort style . It is a business categories of hotel, so more focus on business guest and also family group . c) Equatorial Hotel The 5-star luxury hotel embraces a splendour of contemporary design.   It houses 662 guestrooms and suites, each classily furnished and facilitated with state of the art in-room amenities. The only hotel on the island which has a 9-hole international golf course, it is the top choice for executive retreats and incentive group gatherings.   It houses two Grand Ballrooms which have been intelligently built with no obstruction of columns in between reputed to be the largest on the island that can house up to 2,000 people.   There are so many different categories of hotel, so the guest will Depend on personal like to choose which hotel. So things that the guest wants or needs that EO hotel cant provide, they will choose the others hotel . That is the Threats for the hotels. Conclusion As a conclusion, marketing is very important to any hotels or businesses. Every hotel or business also need strategic and promotion to keep their sales in the safe level, so that the hotel or business wont loss of money for the others utilities, staff salary and so on. Know well about the SWOP analysis (Strength, weakness, opportunities, threats) of the hotel or business is important, because it can clearly know that what the hotel or business lack out of that need to improve more or things that need to maintain and be more better .Know well about which market segment of people that visit most to the hotel , is to maintain the group of people that visit and so try to attract new group of people to visit the hotel or business ,wont just main on one categories .Besides that , know well about the different environment will Impact the hotel or business so that will have solution or can low down the risk .Marketing is important to every company or firm , no matter is big company or small, service sector or any sector , is important to know it .

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Terrorism and Subcultural Theory of Crime :: essays research papers

The horror of domestic terrorism is a problem all Americans should be concerned with, especially since there is a violent subculture in this nation which seeks out and indoctrinates people into their way of life. The crime that I will be focusing on during the course of this paper will be domestic terrorism, specifically hate groups such as the KKK, and various other white supremacy groups. The theory that I will be using to try and explain these crimes will be subcultural theory, but more especially the Subculture of Violence theory provided to us by Marvin Wolfgang and Franco Ferracutti. The reason I will be using his specific subcultural theory is because I feel that it bests describes how the people in these situations are desensitized to the evils they do and then begin to believe that the acts and beliefs are normal, or superior to all other views.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The issue of domestic terrorism has been a fairly recent phenomenon. With little attention given until such acts as the Oklahoma City Bombing and the Unabomber made national headlines. It is because of this that there has been little research done on the area and most of the research there is focuses on the hate groups associated with the acts of violence. A strong force in the domestic terrorist movement is the fervent anti-government stance that these groups internalize. As Mark Hamm wrote in 1997, â€Å"I used the term apocalyptic violence to depict not only the astounding carnage witnessed on that day, but also to describe the anti-government counter-culture to which Timothy McVeigh and his accomplices belonged. In this statement he is referring to the assault on the Branch Davidian complex in Waco, TX. It is believed by many that this is the act which pushed McVeigh to bomb the federal building in Oklahoma City. Hamm went on further to argue, â€Å"The fede ral government had created an apocalyptic subculture in the hinterlands of the USA. And that it had done so through its ruthless use-of-force at Waco.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is the belief of these groups, most specifically the white supremacy groups that the government is corrupt and run by inferior people, anyone not Anglo-Saxon white, and the country needs to be cleansed. The issue of hate groups has been plaguing this country for many decades but only in recent years have they begun to organize to the tune of committing massive acts of violence and terror.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Child Soldier Creative Writing

I am holding a gun to my head. On the verge of death I look back at how it escalated to this to convince not to make the wrong choice as I had done before. That memory among many other dark ones remained as clear as see through water. Five years ago†¦ Sierra Dianas. Thoughts flooded my mind as I clutched the gun harder and harder. I faced an atrocious, inescapable decision. A war befell in my head, a death match between my consciousness and my fear. As one callously stabbed the other, the tip of my finger pressed harder against the trigger.Time was ticking. I shut my eyes as I hoped to disconnect the vision of a girl slouched in front of me, so defenceless yet so fearless. Her face wasn’t completely visible but judging by her figure she was no more then 15. She showed no fright, demonstrating her disgust towards bowing down to the rebels: she remained her posture straight and her head help up high. She looked down upon us even though she was the one on the floor. Her face captured complete hatred. Her attempts to resist were hopeless as two older men forced her down onto the ground.Her arms were tied behind her back so any chance of action towards escape was restricted. I bit my battered lip to remind myself of what I face if I disobey my master’s orders again: agonizing inexorable pain. I pressed harder against the trigger. My vision started to blur and lose its focus and my swollen eyelids did not help. I tried to slay these monstrous thoughts invading my brain, telling me to shoot her and spare myself the pain. I pressed harder. I tried to stop devilish thoughts terrorising my brain with illusionary words but no success: l pressed harder.My consciousness whispered in my ear but the demon inside my soul drowned it heartlessly in my homesick sorrow. The silence waited to be heard. I pressed harder. The trigger clicked. A loud profound bang pierced through the air as the bullet fired cogently. I could hear my sanity slip away, all in the spac e of a millisecond. Regret and notoriety backfired at me as I saw my childhood flash by me; I shot her. I could almost hear her pulse drain as she gasped for air. Another life wasted. Her blood leaked.My demons smothered in a pool of dark red and danced in murderous pride as my master gave me a smirk of praise but behind it hid the look of mutual remorseful experience. That night I was ranked the chief of other child soldiers for my righteous decision or in other words for being heartless enough to kill another of my own race; it would serve them well in the war. In a way I feel as if seeing us become monsters soothes their guilt. It made them less lonely. Even monsters need company. You would think killing again would ease the pain. Think again.Every time it doubled, magnified, intensified, and deepened until the peak where it was unbearable: living with these mental images and mind overflowing with blood. Every fibre of my body grieved for the dead and me: the dyeing. I was chaine d to the everlasting circles of depression unable to experience happiness. Everywhere I went the sun followed me with a hateful glare cursed me silently. I almost melted in his heavy breaths. He launched tense fireballs at me boiling with rage and disappointment, wishing to suffocate me. The sky spit at me in disgrace and shame.The clouds demanded to show me how many tears were cried for the people I have killed. Every rain drop was a reminder of my failure and cowardness. It fell on my skin, ice cold, yet again reminding me of what my heart was bound to become. The sound as they continuously hit the flour resembled a fire’s blazing sparkles. The wind slapped me across my face over and over again. It whispered in my ear. So quit yet such poignant stabbing accusations. It broke into my hut and overawed my body with needle-like numbness from the shuddering chill.The whispers grew into exasperating screams until I could not sleep. It slammed doors and raised the sand from the gr ound, commanding it to attack me. Stop! I wanted it to stop! No more torture. I fell hopelessly upon my knees and screamed at the top of my lungs, begging god for help, for forgiveness. ‘Have I gone mad? ’  Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚   I asked the clear blue staring back at me blankly. I repeated the phrase over and over again until my defenceless sobs and weeps merged the words. I could not stop crying. I clutched the soil between my fingers for some feeling of control as if to grasp hold of myself.The salty tears kept rolling and as they came in contact with my torn, scared skin a shiver of sharp pain would emerge. God didn’t reply. God wasn’t there. Only the devil. I asked him what I should do and the answer was simple: stop caring. Let myself be tamed by the evil because the good can never be happy. He stretched out a hand to me but as I reached it for help to get up I simultaneously shook it as an agreement to a deal. I sold my soul. The next morning I woke up with the feeling of enlightenment. I killed people with no remorse, no guilt, no regret nothing except the feeling of power.I fed on it and I breathed it in with the stench of the dead. It felt good. For a moment I felt almost happy in an illusionary way, as a smoked in the white power-like substance, which my master had let me share with him as a sign of approvement as if welcoming me. To what, I wasn’t sure. That night I danced with a bottle of alcohol in the middle of a fire we set to the village. I trod on dead bodies or some even alive but eventually they would be dead, they couldn’t escape. I raped countless women. Daughters, maybe sisters, maybe mothers, who cares?Not the puppets on the other side of the world, that’s for sure; drinking their coffees and stirring their teas, with their diamond necklaces worn as a ‘fashion statement’ because it resembles the one worn by a celebrity. Completely oblivious. Most of them incapable of doing anything ot her than follow footsteps. We, however, refused to follow or live in someone else’s master plan. That’s why we’re called rebels. The rebels. Our motto was to join us or die. If we didn’t see much use in then it was die or die more painfully (it mostly came down to our mood). We declared war with authorities because they had power et we still suffered in hunger, poverty and disease. This was if we were willing to perform back-breaking labour for the rest of our lives. Otherwise death would catch up on you in days, if you’re lucky you might last a year maximum. It seemed as if the government was not based on democracy but rather the fear of death. The devils reign over my mind lasted for a long time or more perceptively it lasted over 1000 deaths by my own hands until the blood dried underneath my finger nails was would not wash away. The only way out of this mad world is death. Now is the time. Now.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Portrait and a Dream Essay

Abstract expressionists, James Pollock created an abstract full of symbolically hidden messages, called The Portrait and a Dream, 1953.   First impressions that are given off by this painting sends messages of confusion, anger, hopeless dreams, perhaps the inner thought and feelings of the artists when he made the abstract. The art work portrays someone who furiously scribbled many lines across the canvas in no controlled manner, working from hostile and angry emotions. If music was made to match this painting, it would not be smooth jazz or classical, but like rap with an angry fast techno beat producing violence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When considering the title of the painting, and looking at the line arrangements, Pollock was telling a story about his frustrations over empty dreams. Dull, plain off color canvas is chosen as the background for this art. To the right is a very black and Halloween orange colored head, perhaps an indication of what is going on in his mind as he was painting; or it could be a resemblance of him in his sleep at night. The main theme or point behind this painting appears to send messages to let someone know this person is upset. Many artists write songs, create paintings, choreograph dances to get certain points to someone who has made them upset. Pollock seems to be sending an underlying message to one person, a person who somehow blocked him from his achievements, even though many people are fascinated with this abstract. To the center gearing to the right, is an eye that can be of human form. The rest of the face takes on the identity of an animal, perhaps a wild cat. The selected mixture of autumn colors with hidden images of a cat peaking through to the audience implies this painting applies to Halloween, or fall season. The overall shape of the Halloween colored ball or head has a few stray extensions leading away from the ball. The head is looking toward the mass of confusion, on the left side of the painting.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the left side, is many scribbled black lines, portraying confusion, or despair. The black fills in some of the empty spaces overseeing the left side of the portrait. Most of the painting is hollowed or emptied, just lines zigzagging and crossing one another. A couple of potential faces are drawn into the scrambled lines. One of the faces centers the overall portrait, another is found at the bottom right side.   The face centering the portrait has clenched teeth, the eyes resemble anger. The potential face at the bottom right very much looks like a skeleton with cross bones, the national symbol for poison or danger.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Looking at the overall view of this painting, the round colored object on the right of the painting is smaller than the confused lines on the left side of the painting. The drawing portion of the art fills up most of the space, dividing into two separate forms, lays against a solid background. The circular object on the right side resembling his own head, revealing the inner secretive contents looking out at the painting resembling confusion, indicates that his confusion, despair and hopelessness is , perhaps to much for him to bear. The interpretations of this painting can be limitless. However, anyone can look at this painting, instantly recognize this painting is not conveying a pleasant, peaceful or calm tonality.   Lack of bright contrasting colors may portray images or ideas that are the total opposite of confusion. Someone else may interpret the hidden meanings of the abstract portrait as lots of energy, or hyperactivity, unable to sit still or even a pleasant excitement.

Alternate Ending to Tangerine by Edward Bloor Essay

I haven’t been writing in a while. Then again, I’ve barely had time to do anything other than work like crazy at the new school. I swear the work load is nearly double than that of Tangerine Middle, or Lake Windsor for that matter. Or maybe its just that since I refuse to join the soccer team, I have nothing else to do with my time except school work. The kids that attend St. Anthonies treat me like I thought they would, with fear and quite a bit of respect. Identical uniforms matching identical petrified expressions. Some of the younger kids even call me Mr. Fisher, which sounds really odd. People part for me when I walk down the hallway. I’m treated as though I carry and incredibly contagious disease that could spread if everyone doesn’t cower before me. It gets old fast. But enough about that. Erik has been kicked off the football team as of yesterday. Dad had the nerve to look surprised, and even tried to bargain with the coach. It was downright embarrassing. Erik will likely not receive a single scholarship offer. That seems enough punishment for both him and dad. Arthur on the other hand has been given five years at Juvenile Hall for the murder of Luis Cruz. The phone is ringing. It must be Joey. We’d agreed to meet up and maybe kick a ball around for a bit. We aren’t as close as we once were, but were working towards that. I have to go now. I probably won’t write in here again, unless something major happens. Or something terrible. But I don’t think it will. The Erik Fisher Football Dream has come crashing to an abrupt end, and with it, I believe, have all the secrets and ill wishes in this family. After all, everything must come to an end.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The main factors which influence customer buying decisions Essay

The main factors which influence customer buying decisions - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that cares the individuals who buy goods and services for consumption purposes, the difference between a consumer and customer is that a customer is a group of businesses and organizations that purchase goods in order to use them as inputs in their production processes example the purchase of Raw materials. A fall in the price of a product will result in an increase in the quantity of a product purchased, however, these depend on the price elasticity of a product. If a product is price elastic and this means that the price elasticity of the good is more than one, then the products demand will rise at a greater proportion than the rise in price. If the price elasticity of a product is less than one then the demand for the product will not rise in a greater proportion than the price. The price of substitutes also play a major role in determining the consumers purchasing behavior, in a situation where a substitute of a product is less expensiv e, then the consumer will purchase the substitute example margarine and butter are substitutes, if the price of butter goes up then the consumer will purchase margarine. Under the price of a product we will also consider the risk associated with buying a certain product, the more expensive a product is the higher the risk and the higher the consequences of making the wrong decision, buyers will also consider the scrap value of and mostly this is associated with vehicle and machinery product, products with very high prices and low scrap value will be less preferred.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

There has been an increased presence of non-state actors in the field Research Paper

There has been an increased presence of non-state actors in the field of international dispute resolution. Discuss the significa - Research Paper Example In recent years however, non-state actors, including NGOs, individual personalities, and even private corporations have also become more involved in the management of these international disputes. This is a significant development especially as greater transparency and participation of the NGOs at the WTO and the ICSID can be ensured. This paper shall discuss significance of such move in eventually securing transparency and improved participation of non-state actors in the actions and decisions of the WTO and the ICSID. Initially, this paper shall discuss incidents wherein non-state actors have taken a greater role in the field of international dispute resolution. The relevance of their role in terms of transparency as well as improved participation shall also be presented. A focus on the role of non-state actors in relation to international financial institutions shall also be discussed in this paper in order to better understand the impact of non-state actors on the international c ommunity. Body The elements involved in maintaining and building states calls for the assistance and participation of all state and in this case, non-state actors. Capable states are those which have strong and responsible as well as vital forces to ensure peace, prosperity as well as public goods for the people (Ulimwengu, 2007). The state has long been considered the primary focus of these processes, and the non-state actors have a crucial role to play in supporting these national and government processes (Mabogunje, 2000). It is therefore important to determine who these actors are. It is also important to identify the aspects of governance where they can assist and to understand better how they work, their style of interventions, and the barriers interfering with their actions (Catbagan, 2011). In Africa, the role of the non-state actors have been especially significant in terms of ensuring the security and public safety of non-state territories, and those territories where issu es of insecurity have impacted on state capacity in terms of security management (Ulimwengu, 2007). Issues and challenges in governance and development have prompted the need for assistance from non-state actors. This was the same in different parts of the world, including Asia, Africa, and even Europe. As transitions in African rule were observed, major shifts in political relations were also observed (Ulimwengu, 2007). The end of the Cold War was seen alongside efforts to democratize African countries and in the midst of these challenges, non-state actors emerged in the form of NGOs and other related organizations (Woodward, 2013). In Easter Europe, some of these groups had a crucial role in toppling the communist regimes. This was seen in Poland with the union-based Solidarnosc, including other movements in Romania, East Germany, and the Soviet Union (Heines, 2010). There is not much evidence to indicate whether these actors persisted in their role within the post-communist regim es; still, their roles have been acknowledged and their possibilities have also been considered for other areas. Non-state actors have become more accepted in the international community in the past few decades as politicians, sociologists, and mediators have sought their expertise especially where certain state actions have to be understood in terms of impact and sustainability (Ulimwengu, 2007). Non-state actors include NGOs and are generally understood within civil