Sunday, February 23, 2020

Vivid remembrance of my childhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Vivid remembrance of my childhood - Essay Example der, premonition, challenging, comforting, goal, do, best, excel, dream, succeed, struggles, failures, achievements, father, proud, fight, persevere, determined, achieve, goals, values, learned, world of possibilities) VIII. Facing new challenges (death, America, fulfill, dreams, new challenges, new environment, difficult, adjustments, acquaintance, English, not fluent, early years, unbearable, cry, want, go back home, disappointment, remember, memory, seriousness, face, tenderness, strength, harshness, hope, survive, thrive) Facing tomorrow (years, America, look back, survived, thrived, determination, impressed, challenge, look forward, bright future, trials, hardships, fear, characteristics, qualify, fight, survive, succeed, experience, restaurant, indelible, lessons, learned, inscribed, heart, long-lasting, impact, pass on, children, future, values, mold) X. Conclusion- Catching the spirit (values, lessons, learned, history, nation, narrated, family values, determined, economic stability, employment, security, persevere, freedom, financial freedom, values, attributes, domino effect, poverty, challenge, education, positive, opportunities, difficulties, inherited, value, survive, trying times, trials) Long term effect (experience, trained, hard work, try, consider, options, possibilities, solve, hardships, encounter, care physical fitness, responsibility, physical condition, affect, determine, plans, conscious, health, vital, culture, concern, expectation, health awareness, alcohol, father, died young, fruits, vegetables, exercise, supplements, vitamins, minerals, strengthen, immune system, demand, school, work, social life, acquaintances) I was born in Poland, a nation that has long struggled with communism for years. I grew up, raised in a family who looked forward to a bright future as the whole of Poland hoped for a good future as we were rediscovering our independence. The long history of our nation’s struggles with wars and poverty made the people

Friday, February 7, 2020

Articles review For this assignment you will discuss two published Essay

Articles review For this assignment you will discuss two published research articles relating to gender and education. Each one - Essay Example 2004; Putwain 2008) and Science scores (Okoye 2009). Still, one study argues that gender differences can be found based on problem type: â€Å"boys outperformed girls on spatial/conceptual measurement, whereas girls outperformed boys on formula-based measurement, as well as on a test of computation skills† (Vasilyeva et al. 2009, p.401) or personality (Petrides et al. 2005), while others provide evidence that stereotype threats can lead to gender differences in female students' maths performance (Ahmavaara and Houston 2007; Good, Woodzicka, and Wingfield 2010; Keller 2007). This essay criticizes the articles â€Å"The gendered subject: students' subject preferences and discussions of gender and subject ability† by Francis (2000) and â€Å"Student attitudes, image and the gender gap† by Warrington, Younger, and Williams (2000). In â€Å"The gendered subject: students' subject preferences and discussions of gender and subject ability,† Francis (2000) examine s whether there have been any changes in students’ constructions of gender and learning, because of changes in achievement trends and perceptions of gender. The author also studies their perceptions of most popular and least popular subjects and their beliefs about gender and ability. The study is a correlational design, wherein relations between gender and subject preferences and ability are determined. The sampling strategy is random sampling from three different mixed-sex schools in Greater London. Author conducted classroom observation and semi-structured interviews with one hundred 14 to 16 year old students. Findings showed blurring in gendered subject preferences, because boys favoured English, while girls preferred Math as the second favourite subject. However, in terms of students’ least preferred subjects, the sample was more traditional, with mathematics and science the least well-liked subjects among girls, and French the least well-liked among boys. Still, maths was rated second least preferred by boys, and French third least preferred among girls, which indicates greater diversity. As for responses on gender and subject ability, majority believed that ability at different subjects are not connected to gender. Still, those who believed that gender is a factor in different subjects agreed that girls were better at some or all subjects than boys. Francis concluded that stresses on female superiority should not be taken as an indication of absence of worry among educators, because it means that gender gap continues to persist, but at a different direction. It is important to stress the potential of both genders for all subjects to erase stereotyped images. Warrington, Younger, and Williams (2000) study the attitudes of students to GCSE work and explore why boys and girls seem to view their work in different ways, with emphasis on â€Å"image† in the article â€Å"Student attitudes, image and the gender gap.† Like Francis ( 2000), Warrington, Younger, and Williams (2000) conducted a correlational study using qualitative analysis. Warrington, Younger, and Williams (2000) used triangulation for data gathering: focus group interviews with groups of girls and boys, lesson observations and teacher interviews. Findings showed that girls are not stigmatised for hard work in class, while boys experience that their image is affected when they study hard in school.